I've been making carrot soup, in fact I've just had a bowl :D

I just use, 1-2 onions, and maybe a pound of carrots. Chop & sweat down, then add salt, cumin and ground corriander. Cook for a little while then add chicken stock, about a pint & a half & some skimmed milk.

Bring to boil & simmer for 20 mins or so, then bliz with hand blender. Add some chopped corriander if you have it. and adjust thickness with milk/water.

It's sooooo nice and superfree too :D

YOu can add a chilli at the sweating stage if you want it more spicy.

Carrot and Corriander soup
Spiced carrot and ginger soup

Not carrot soups, but broccoli and blue cheese or cauliflower and blue cheese ( using Laughing cow squares)
french onion soup
Leek and potato

let me know if you want recipes for any of those