SpongeBlob Sweatpants to SpongeBoob Skinnypants

Va Va Voom

Lets just start by saying that I love food, I love it......a lot.

I have eaten myself to a shocking 22st 0.5lb and by eating, I should say dieting! I know that sounds crazy but I diet for a little while then miss all the foods I love so binge and then can't manage to get myself back onto said diet so every single day I tell myself "I'll start tomorrow" and then proceed to eat all around me because I knew it wouldn't be an option tomorrow (but tomorrow never came so every day was the same and my weight got higher and higher)

I am hoping this way of eating will be the key to my psychological issues with food.

So I started yesterday at 5pm. I decided (with DH's help) that a 5pm till 5pm timeslot would be best suited to me as I never have to go an entire day on a diet (at least to begin with anyway)

I have to say that by 3pm I was hungry but I knew I only had to last until 5pm for dinner and I managed to do it! A whole 24hours on only 500 cals! and it wasn't bad at all. I really, truly feel like I have finally found a plan that can "cure" me ;) lol

So it's now my up day until 5pm tomorrow.

I'm going to try not to weigh myself too much as it only disheartens me. I have my start weight and that's the main thing.
Now in saying that, I am the weighing queen so this may not last, but I hope it does. Sure we'll see. I really want the big surprise when I finally do decide to weigh myself :)
Hello, welcome, and good luck!!! This plan is amazing and I hope you will think so as well.
And I replied to both as I thought I didn't do it the first time LOL
Hi Va Va Voom :) my story mirrors yours. I have always started a diet and lasted a while, binged and said I'll start again tomorrow :( never happened and consequently my weight soared!

A huge well done on surviving your first DD. I'm a compulsive scale user too ;) in fact it's more of an OCD thing, jump straight out of bed strip my pj's off and jump on the scales and do it again before I go to bed!! Sending you good luck vibes in your quest to lose weight and for not jumping on the scales :D

Emma x