I have this adorable lavender puppy that you heat up in the microwave for 90 seconds & then pop him on my cramps. Soothes any pain & relieves bloating like magic Plus he's SUPER cute!
Avon sell some lavender hearts I think. I also have a wheat bag which does the same thing.
oh, glad i found this thread, i'ts my totm, (have fibrode problems, so not regular), just feel so sluggish, and yukky, thread given me good idea, will not think about the chocolate though (no really i won't lmao)
Cut down on salt and increase water consumption. Works here. Well my first weigh was a star week. So when i go in next week after the first week on plan. Hopefully will be a good loss lol
Above advice is something I haven't heard before but glad I read it! Will definitely be trying this out as I am due to WI on Monday and my period should be starting by mid-week... xxx
I usually had a gain of 3.5lb on a star week but now have magic soup that week and last week lost 0.5lb, not much I know but loads better than a gain
magic soup basically consists of:
green beans,
I always put fennel seeds in, and some other herbs, whatever I pick up out of the cupboard.