Started today -In it to Win it


Day 1

Yeeeaah 1st day done, well nearly. Woke up tired today but was all excited bout the diet, had a drink of water and dashed to work. At work I split the pack and made one half and added it to my hot coffee so it was like a hazelnut choco coffee. The exante shakes seems easier to blend than Cambridge but the CD choc is much nicer.

Finished my meeting at 12 and I made the other half of the shake and also had a half bottle of water. Dashed of to my next meeting at 1pm feeling quite full, kept on going to the loo and people started to ask if I was ok after the 2nd trip…lol

The meeting was awful, I was so frustrated throughout and would usually have gone for something stodgy and sugary as I tend to use food to ease what ever emotions I am going through, but managed to talk myself out of it, using my goals and the bigger picture.

So got back to my desk at 4pm and made a whole choc pack and also had half a bottle of water.

Got home at 8pm, made tomato & basil soup added black pepper & chilli pepper, I needed the kick, spicy but nice….had another half bottle of water with that.

So I still have a pack to go, not sure if I will have it, will see how I feel after the ironing…and another half bottle of water.

So all in all day 1 not to bad roll on day 2…

You've got to say, I think that if I keep working at this and want it badly enough I can have it. It's called perseverance.
Hey you!

Sounds like you had a really good first day!

You're starting off well, well done! :D

I'm on Day 2 today, had a few near moments where I thought feck it, I'll start again tomorrow but I stuck with it!

The main thing is to take each day as it comes.

Keep us all posted of your progress!
Thanks Trixie, well done for getting to day 2, it is really one day at a time. I have got my goals plastered everywhere for those moments I think oh heck...hopefully the goals will keep me on track..

Goodluck with day 3, hope goes well for you

Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live

I keep losing the thread I want to post on !!! am I just being dim or is this website a bit tricky to negotiate?
Anywaaay. Just got two months of packs delivered today so am all set for a little while. I am struggling with the pack splitting thing and find three packs a day a bit hard. Do some people do four? Is it just cos I'm greedy or lazy or both, please don't answer that? How do you do it ? it's such a small quantity to weigh and split, how do you then store it? Am I just making excuses? I put on 9 lbs over xmas!!!! but have nipped back 4 of them already so hopefully in a week I will be back to pre xmas weight. Bit of an annoying blip but I am proud of myself that I didn't just give up as I have done before, dear lord is it possible that I am changing!!!!
TT, well done for niping back the 4, for me really its Water Water Water, I spend half my days in the loo, where ever I go, I have to go....

I dont weigh the packs when I split them, I just snip the side, pour out half (or what I think is half) in to the cup and seal the other half with tape....and when ever I have a shake, I have half a bottle of water.

The main reason I waited to start now was that I knew work would be hectic and I would not be able to sit down and think of food, I am dreading the weekend, will need to find something busy to do.

If you are over 5'8 you are supposed to have 4 packs a day.

Try 3 / 4 packs and see what your body is comfortable with.


You've got to say, I think that if I keep working at this and want it badly enough I can have it. It's called perseverance.
Day 2

Woke up thirsty, felt lighter don’t know why possibly because no major evening meal….stared at myself in the mirror absolutely no change…lol.. did not reaaallly expect any.

So again split my first shake had an ice cold mocha, (choco shake with coffee), this was at 9.45am and then at 11am had the second shake and half bottle of water.

Work was hectic so did not have lunch shake until 2.30pm, was so very hungry and ended up having a cup of minestrone soup from the cafeteria and then again split my shake and had the first one after the minestrone soup and half bottle of water. At 5pm, I had the second shake and had a full bottle of water to go with it.

Got home bout 7.30 had half a bottle of water and then Thai chicken soup, which was ok…bit tired today….another half bottle of water then am off to bed…

The difference between try and triumph is just a little umph!
Day 3

Worst day so far, woke up so late had a massive panic attack, what if I don’t lose weight at all….was quite tearful, desperate to weigh myself to see if I had lost even a pound.

Worked from home so did not have my first shake till 12 noon did not split it just had a whole one since it was so late. Had a nap but woke up with my whole body aching…neck back sides the lot.

At 2.30pm split my second shake and had the first one with a bottle of water, have really dry mouth with horrible furry tongue, so brushed my teeth and still have the dry mouth furry tongue……am drinking so much water I am going to the loo every 5 min, thank goodness am home.

Had the 2nd half of my shake at 3.30, loads & loads of water to try and get rid of the dry mouth. Still really tired, so think it will be an early night after the soup and water.

Hope everyone else is doing ok……Goodluck everyone, roll on day 4.
Poor you!

I have days when I feel really dehydrated, but it sounds like you are suffering badly. Stick with it, I'm sure it will get easier for you once you go into ketosis.

Good luck!
Thanks Yummy, just hope these are all signs of my body going into Ketosis...:fingerscrossed: :fingerscrossed: :fingerscrossed:
Beautiful Barbie !
Poor you, it definitely sounds like ketosis, that furry taste is ketosis for sure, good for you, you are fighting for it and not giving up.

Didn't know about the 4 packs thing. I think I will go with this.

Why if you were struggling a bit did you not have a pack until 12.00 ?? I know I have done this sometimes and it doesn't really help. I think packs at regular hours helps and I have heard others say the same. Missing a meal is sort of dangerous game playing, like "I missed a meal I am so hungry I deserve more" food addict type thinking. [ maybe? just a theory]
I think you are going to have a good result on the scales, I look forward to hearing about your triumph. You are inspiring me to keep going . I am not in ketosis although I am losing weight. I know I can do better and ketosis does stop you feeling hungry. Today is the day !
Day 4

TOM arrived this morning 8 days early which was quite shocking but would explain the body aches and teary feeling of yesterday. This is going to throw my first week out of sync, I was hoping to have a great 1st week then at least wait for tom to arrive 2nd week but its all gone wrong.

So day went from bad to worse, stomach cramps all day, ended, had one choco shake could not bear to have anything else, then at 7pm really felt hungry and had 3 bites of steak which tasted awful then tried to have my soup but just could not face it so went to bed.

Day 5

Pretty much like day 4, had one shake through out was not hungry and could not force anything down me…went to friends house who happens to be a nurse, she insisted I had to eat something so she made me grilled fish steak, which was nice, just had that by itself.

Day 6

Felt better after the fish supper yesterday, started the day with the shake and then out with friends, again I broke the diet at dinner and had a cheesy omelet then really killed my diet with 2 Margaritas. Got home drank a liter of water then bed.

Day 7

Woke up filling quite bloated had family lunch gathering at my aunts house so stuck to a protein based meal, had fish and spinach salad. Stomach got worse as the day progressed, got home and spent quite sometime in the bathroom, had half bottle of water then went to bed.

2nd week

Day 1

Woke up feeling very good indeed and my clothes felt a little lighter, not sure if that’s just my imagination, not sure if I want to weigh in today especially after a disastrous 1st week. I am fully back on the plan now so will see how this week goes.
Beautiful Barbie !
Poor you, it definitely sounds like ketosis, that furry taste is ketosis for sure, good for you, you are fighting for it and not giving up.

Didn't know about the 4 packs thing. I think I will go with this.

Why if you were struggling a bit did you not have a pack until 12.00 ?? I know I have done this sometimes and it doesn't really help. I think packs at regular hours helps and I have heard others say the same. Missing a meal is sort of dangerous game playing, like "I missed a meal I am so hungry I deserve more" food addict type thinking. [ maybe? just a theory]
I think you are going to have a good result on the scales, I look forward to hearing about your triumph. You are inspiring me to keep going . I am not in ketosis although I am losing weight. I know I can do better and ketosis does stop you feeling hungry. Today is the day !

Hi TT, I was not feeling too good and was not hungry hence did not have the shake till noon, should know better. I was not going to weigh in this evening was going to write last week off and start again this week, but will go weigh in and let you know.

I do wish TOM had not come along cause it really did through me of course...
Well I weighed in and lost 3 pounds, I am surprised did not think I would lose anything but hey better than nothing. Onwards & upwards now, no turning back toms out the way.....
Thanks Quak, tom coming so early really did throw me off, but back on track so hopefully will have a better week this week.
Correction Barbie - Onwards and Downwards ;)

Congrats on not throwing in the towel and making it to the second week! :D

3lbs is a great loss! Hope you're happy with it!

I got my TOM today, so feeling like crap all day, and yes there were moments where I wanted pizza/chocolate/ice-cream/anything! buuut I knew I'd regret it.

This diet really is a case of take it on a day by day basis.

Good on you for sticking to low-carb protein based food - if I broke out I know I wouldn't be as virtuous as you!!

Here's hoping you find the second week a lot easier! :)
Many many thanks Trix, yes considering everything 3lbs is a good loss and I am happy with it, even better the inches have made a difference to my clothes. I can do up more buttons, wow and thats only with a 3lbs yes I am still encouraged, yep def onwards &

How are you doing hope Tom not affecting you too much...