Total Solution Starting as soon as my shipment arrives!


Serial dieter
Hi all, this is my second go on Exante once my shipment arrives (hoping tomorrow) I foresee myself on here a lot within the first week trying to take my mind off things whilst I get in to ketosis. :)
Good luck Nikki, look forward to supporting your weight loss journey.

i found reading the diaries a great help ...still do.x
Good luck! You will do great xx
Thank you. For now I've just got shakes, I have tried the soups before and they are ok but I was more inclined to pick up a shake over a soup esp. as you can make hot or cold. Have mixed feelings on trying porridge/carbonara I see some people get on with them whilst others think they are vile lol.
When I ordered my shakes I wish I never got the soups. I was sick when I had the Thai one and it put me off the diet for months. Iv started again and just strictly on the shakes, hopefully this time I'll be more successful. Good luck everyone.

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Oh no Mocha-bear :( that must of made it so much harder to stick to. I have done soups and bars in the past but found I was always more satisfied with my shakes. So like you because I have all shakes this time I am hoping it'll make it a little easier for me to stick to it ;) Good luck on your first week, I got my shipment fri but starting tomorrow as I wanted to enjoy mother's day today. I am ready (and looking forward to it) lol i'm actually excited!
Day 3 and i'm coming down with the flu I think nooooo! I cant be ill the school run is a stress as it is. My mum had it a little back n she was in bed for a week she just couldnt move. :(
oh no, I hope not. I had it the week before I started on the diet, the first day I felt human again I started on Exante. I was properly ill for maybe 3 or 4 days but feeling rough for a few days either side. I'm totally over it now, thank goodness, but I really hope you're not getting ill. If you have any vitamin C supplements around, try to take as much as possible, I take around 2000mg morning and night when I start feeling like I'm coming down with something and 8 out of 10 times it stops it developing.
I hope i'm not either. Just feel tired, my muscles ache n feel stiff. That accompanied with a runny nose and one of those coughs where you can never quite clear your throat- i'm feeling sorry for myself!!

Trying to dose up while I can fingers crossed I shift it soon! Xx