Attack Starting Dukan Today..


Starting my first day of attack phase today!! I've got 2 stone to lose! Has anybody got any starting off tips of food secrets for me to get going with :)

Ally <3<3
Hi Ally!
im on day three, so new like you, but I've had no problems yet, it all seems very easy, and not been hungry which is a bonus! The only tip I can give is keep ahead of hunger! Dont let yourself get hungry! Good luck!
Good luck :)
I'm starting today too, got 1st8lb to loose till I'm at my comfy weight of 10st, would love love love to get down to 9st eventually though!
Hope your day goes ok, I've eaten natural fat free yogurt today with my oat bran, 3 boiled eggs and a price of haddock upto now. Feel like it's quite alot but I'm hungry! Gonna keep filling up on protein and hope my appetite reduces soon x
Debra! I've eaten like a horse for the last two days! I'm hoping my appetite drops soon, this is costing a fortune! Two chicken breasts just for lunch! And got a huge piece of salmon lined up for tea!!
I can see it starting to cost a bomb! I've eaten a full 500g tub of fat free natural yogurt today, thought it would last a few days! Had to go to ASDA today and buy more, was starving an all ended up spending £20 buying tins of tuna, fish from the deli, turkey steaks and chicken breasts. Can see all of that being gone in 2 days if I'm as hungry as I have been today! Need to get into ketosis ASAP! I'm scared to weigh tomorrow, I feel like I've gained coz Ive eaten so much!
Don't worry xxx the more pure protein you eat the better the results xxx and remember loads if water to each out the fat/calories xxx
I need to drink more water though arhhh! How much do you all drink? I do like water I just don't always fancy a drink gulping down water feel like it's a job forcing meself to drink that much!
I've been drinking about 1.5ltrs of water and most probably 4-5 cups of tea each day! But not really keen on the water I'm drinking it like its medicine! Was thinking about trying flavoured water, if I can find one without calories!
Really like it is medicine trying to remember and make sure you've had enough! Going to try and drink a little bit more today though, if i can haha:)
Don't worry about eating too much so long as you're eating the list of dr d's aapproved stuff - the more the merrier! It'll fill you up and is surprisingly light on the results. It does feel like a stuff fest sometimes though. But you'll lose the weight for sure!
I can't believe it I keep eating loads and my stomach has actually de bloated, eating loads and not getting bloated=brilliant!!! Starting to cost me a fare bit already though the amount I'm eating have to keep nipping to ASDA for chicken breasts and fish, can't carry on eating this much or end up poor hahah appetite needs to hurry and decrease!