Starting Lipotrim


Full Member
Hi all,

My name is James and I started the Lipotrim diet yesterday.

I decided to search for a community with other Lipotrim dieters since a similar setup helped me quit smoking since January 1st.

I have had Lipotrim before but I got 2 weeks worth from a pharmacy and didn't really follow it, mainly due too lack of advice.

In the past I always ended up failing at the end of day 2 or day 3, my most successful run was 3 weeks during which I had a 'treat' on a Sunday night, usually a takeaway. I still lost 18lbs.

I want to do it properly this time, I want to get down to a decent weight, I don't know what that weight is though. I want to just look at my stomach and be happy.

I am 5"8 and 234lbs, I do a lot I running & weight lifting. (gym 5 times a week).

Today I am feeling very week and VERY hungry, It's 5pm and I'm in bed because I'm so tired, is this normal?

Any advise or tips are definitely welcome, I really want this now.

I will be working my way around the forum but if there is any threads I should definitely see let me know.


12th June: 16"10(234lbs)
Also, I'm 25 from the North East of England.

Does anyone know why half of the buttons in the app say permission denied?

12th June: 16"10(234lbs)
GAH! I can't stop thinking about food!

12th June: 16"10(234lbs)
Hi James and welcome aboard. Once you get to day 4/5 you will feel so much better. Make sure you drink at least 2 litres of water a day. Maybe try fizzy water as this feels you up more. The tiredness is completely normal and you might not feel like the Gym this week either. Good luck.

With some of the features you need to have posted at least 20 times. There is a thread explaining everything ;) I'll look for the post and put a link on here.
Thanks Kay, I'll have a search for it, I'll reach my 20 soon I'm sure!

I've found a ton of information here so far and am starting to feel a bit better!

glad it's almost the weekend and I can do nothing! Ha!

12th June: 16"10(234lbs)
Best of luck to you James, this is such a great forum - make sure you stick around as it really does help as you said. Congrats for quitting smoking by the way!
Thanks Kazza! Well done on your weight loss!

12th June: 16"10(234lbs)
Hi James... Starting lipotrim next week! Good luck !!.. This forum is great think it will be the secret to my success! Loads of advice, tips and inspiring stories... Lie in bed and read the threads... That'll keep u going! :p
Hi james, welcome to the forum and good luck with your weight loss :)
I am really happy to be here, I found a community called LiveStrong where I quit smoking and they helped me endlessly, I have a feeling you guys are going to be the people that help me finally get rid of these tyres!

12th June: 16"10(234lbs)
I weighed myself on my wii before I went to the chemist and I weighed the same as the chemists scales on Tuesday... 16"10

I know I shouldn't of but I just weight myself now, 52 hours later, 15"12....

I know it's not exactly the same time, but I'm wearing the same outfit pretty much!

I feel good and can't wait for my weigh in!!!

12th June: 16"10(234lbs)
Well done. Men seem to lose weight quickly on this diet compared to women. I'm having the same problems on this app as well. Permission denied to message ppl i think can answer questions even permission denied to look at my own profile and i have replied to a lot of posts. I may have to go on to the main site to see if I can fix it but i am forever on my phone so it would be good to try and get it fixed.
Just had a look at your profile it says you have 44 posts but you need 50 to be able to do most everything so just another six to go so get posting
It's a good rule, keep out the trolls!

I have a feeling I'll probably end up with thousands of posts round here so I'm not worrying :)

12th June: 16"10(234lbs)