Starting over .... 3 years on!!


Full Member
Hi guys, I was last here in 2010. I went drastically off track and have put on an extra 2 stones since then but now (well, Monday just gone) I have started Slimming World (from home) again. 3 days in and I'm doing well but have a long long way to go! Once again this forum has been a massive help already so I thought it only right I posted to say Hi :D and thank you xxx
Hi Melvis, Welcome back! Here's to this time being a great success. At least you know all the ups and downs so you can be prepared for them...(especially the downs!)
I've been slim three times during my life and each time vowed not to put the weight back on :sigh: but here I am at 78 and still fighting the flab...:doh:

All the very best to you for your journey... :)
Welcome back to the forum mate ;) you did it once you can do it again, keep us informed along the way, and good luck ;)
Welcome Melvis Great name. Like Elvis with a M. Huh Huh Huh :) Took me four years to wake up to the fact I need to get my act together and no one can do it for me, so good on you for doing it in three !

Very supportive here at MiniMins. I hope you have fun while getting down to a healthy happy weight. Keep us informed with how you're getting on. Even though I am doing WW old points system at home, there is still common ground beween the different groups, with shared recipies and motivation etc. Good Luck. Chips xx