Hi, I'm Anne!
Firstly, well done to those who have done this so far and those like me starting today
I have done it before and was on another forum 'lipotrimusers' but that has gone so I found this 1
the support on a forum like this is invaluable...there will be highs and lows I know and I hope to pass on my enthusiasm and support to others
I have done Cambridge before too but found it was way too yummy and made me miss food even more; Lipotrim is more bland, there is less choice which has worked better for me''so I don't get the cravings as much
guess I need to put up my profile, but I don't want to know what I weigh yet....so I'm going to put losses on my ticker (if you can do that?)
all the best folks
Firstly, well done to those who have done this so far and those like me starting today
I have done it before and was on another forum 'lipotrimusers' but that has gone so I found this 1
the support on a forum like this is invaluable...there will be highs and lows I know and I hope to pass on my enthusiasm and support to others
I have done Cambridge before too but found it was way too yummy and made me miss food even more; Lipotrim is more bland, there is less choice which has worked better for me''so I don't get the cravings as much
guess I need to put up my profile, but I don't want to know what I weigh yet....so I'm going to put losses on my ticker (if you can do that?)
all the best folks