Lost five stone three years ago on cambridge and sadly put two and half back on
Evetyone giving me the 'i told you so' about putting it back on! Gonna be on here for lots of support from all you exante people
Been impressed with the two products so far today, veg soup and raisin bar... Taste much better than cambridge! Gonna have strawberry shake later and thats it for today
Managed two days now so pleased with myself
Having to force the third product down at end of day as not hungry! Is this normal? I never felt full on cambridge...
Well done so far. To start this diet over Xmas shows how determined you are to be slimmer next year. I am on week 9 but have decided not to take the day off today despite having to cook a full xmas dinner for six. I told everyone I had an upset tummy and that I would have a turkey sandwich later (a big fat lie lol) and just stuck to my packs and water today. I didn't feel like I was missing out one bit and now whilst they are all stuffed and bloated I feel comfortable and great.