Starting today

Hi Princess and welcome,
Good luck with Lipotrim. Try to keep yourself busy, drink plenty of water and in a few days you will feel fine.
Hi Kay

Thank you for the reply.

I was so good at work, but I came home to find my boyfriend cooking - not good!

I have been drinking lots of green tea. I am really hoping this diet gets me back into shape
Im glad your day has been ok, it's always hard the first few days especially when you come home to cooking. Stay strong and you will be back in shape in know time.
Hey hun - I am on day 5 - you picked a hard day to start being weekend. The first day i was fine day 2 qnd 3 i was awfull, shaky, sik feeling, cold, headaqchs,. achey, this was my body going in to ketosis sooner than i thought, but today and yest i feel more energetic and fell like i am loosing :) it is hard, the hardest diet i have ever done but i can see reslutls already so very worth it.
Tip - blend your shake with ice and pour in to a glass
Blend coffee and ice with vanila
do choc at night with hot water and sweetner instead of cold

Good luck xx
Thank you for the tips!

I started before the weekend as I knew it was going to be the hardest time, so wanted to get it out of the way!
I am on day 3. Feel very hungry and its taking a lot of will power not to eat! I went to the gym to keep me occupied.
Sounds silly, but I feel lighter already!
Don't overdo the excersize on week 1 - your body needs to readjust!

Also - keep drinking that water!
hey hun - how r u getitng on? I had my 1st weigh in today and lost 11.5lb couldnt believe it!! it has been so hard but i hope by telling u this any earges u have just by pass them, i havnt done any excericse last week but hammering it this week xx