Starting weight watchers for the second time!!


Gold Member
Hey everyone, I re-started weight watchers again yesterday after being off plan for nearly a year and putting what I had lost back on plus an extra 2 stone. I need to do it this time I can't carry on like this. I'm the heaviest I have ever been and it's terrifying. But one step at a time and with all the wonderful support of people on this forum I'm hoping to make it this time xx
nessa123 said:
Hey everyone, I re-started weight watchers again yesterday after being off plan for nearly a year and putting what I had lost back on plus an extra 2 stone. I need to do it this time I can't carry on like this. I'm the heaviest I have ever been and it's terrifying. But one step at a time and with all the wonderful support of people on this forum I'm hoping to make it this time xx

Hi nessa welcome back the weight goes back on so quickly doesn't it,I got to target then put over a stone back on which i'm trying to get back off I am finding it really hard keeping in the right frame of mind I think I've cracked it one minute then a snap of my fingers & I'm back to stuffing my face :-( are u going to do a food diary? Good luck on ur journey xx

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Thanks Valerie, it's goes back on way to easy!! You will get back there hun, you've done it before you can do it again.
Im not sure about a food diary, I've got an app on my phone which I fill in and that it tedious enough!! If I start struggling then I think I might start one up. Xx
Thanks everyone I lost 10lb so had a fab first week. Hope everyone is doing ok xx
getfitnana said:
I'm rooting for you, bud that is the thing about dieting, you can't do it forever and this why they don't last. There is a young lady on job who also lost a lot of weight rith weight watchers but has gained even more back. Are you trying any type of exercise?

I have to do it forever, for me this time it isn't just a diet , it is a change of lifestyle
Thanks everyone I lost 10lb so had a fab first week. Hope everyone is doing ok xx

create.php WOW WELL DONE.giffab loss hun :bliss: xx
valerie11 said:
<img src=""/>fab loss hun :bliss: xx

Thankyou xx