staying on track

hi everyone,
i am looking for tips as to how to stay on track. i did quite well and lost 10lbs and then i had a few celebrations and rather than just being naughty when i was going out (which was quite a lot) it just turned into being really naughty all the time. i am not sure what damage i've done, find out tonight. i know its good that i'm getting back to it but i really want to stop myself from loosing another 1/2 stone, feeling good about myself and then abandoning the diet again. how can i keep mysel on track?

any ideas would be gratefullly received...

Kat x
this is jsut me but i write down all the reasons i want to loose weight and keep them so while im loosing i can see what i have achieved and why i should stick to it.

always keep a food diary, not just for the first few days or weeks but writing everything down makes you realise your downfalls. and never ever lie in you diary, your only kidding yourself.

read the sw books so you know the plan inside out.

reward yourself when you hit goals (set lots of small ones rather than one big one) - eg loose 7lbs, 1stone, club 10 target etc. and reward yourself without food, like cosmetics or beauty treatments for example.

plan your meals so you know what there is to look forward to

never get hungry, always carry free food to snack on

i hope this helps, this is the way i do it, 10th week and still going strong :D
I done exactly the same when I started SW. The first christmas was disasterous, I came off plan for the 2 weeks, put on 8lb and stayed in the holiday mode til February!

You should make a list of all the reasons you want to lose weight and keep it somewhere handy. Find whatever it is that triggers the desire to lose weight. Do you have a special event coming up that you can use as a goal?

Most importantly, be realistic. When we set ourselves targets that we aren't likely to reach it is more likely to tip us over the edge rather than make us work harder. Mini goals are great.

Good luck x
I take one day at a time. I ask myself if I can stick to the plan for that one day. The answer is usually yes!

For instance, I had a work do on Fri with buffet & free bar, out for a meal last night then going to Glastonbury on Thurs til Mon! Rather than think 'Sod it', the 'normal' days in between I stick to it rigidly. And as soon as I get back from Glasto I'll be back on it. One day at a time again. This really works for me as I don't see loads of social events/obstacles standing in my way.
Absolutely right - one day at a time! Even one meal at a time sometimes!

I also seem to have days where i 'graze' on free food and therefore never get to the point of feeling i need to pig out on anything which works well!
I think SW itself helps me stay on track - I can't do deprivation or starvation! If only booze was a free food though!
I done exactly the same when I started SW. The first christmas was disasterous, I came off plan for the 2 weeks, put on 8lb and stayed in the holiday mode til February!

You should make a list of all the reasons you want to lose weight and keep it somewhere handy. Find whatever it is that triggers the desire to lose weight. Do you have a special event coming up that you can use as a goal?

Most importantly, be realistic. When we set ourselves targets that we aren't likely to reach it is more likely to tip us over the edge rather than make us work harder. Mini goals are great.

Good luck x

some really good ideas there....thanks:thankyou:
one day at a time is good. at class each week we get asked what do we want to aim for next week? i used to say 1lb or 2lb now i just say a loss!! and write everything down thats where i go wrong and them little treats add up x
I feel the same...:break_diet: After 6 weeks of being good I have had 3 days of celebration and today is WI day and I feel really disappointed with myself and I fear the scales of destiny at 10 this morning... :scale: But I have jolted myself back on track with one of my marvelous lunchboxes to look forward to at work tonight! I am NOT going to feel like this again! :eek:

Just got weighed and lost 1.5lb! Suprised me and feel like I got away with it this time but wont again...especially when its star week next WI so seem to put on.
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I have found, in the last few weeks, that although I still have treats I feel so positive and I believe that really helps. I'm not saying that positive thinking alone will shift the weight but I think that the better I feel, the less I'm eating and rather than virtually starving myself on Monday - Wednesday, I am eating 'normally' and still acheiving a loss. I wish I could have bottled the feeling and sent it to you x
cheers for everyones words ;)... feeling far better today after getting back on it. i've stopped beating myself up that i fell of it for a while and decided to put that behind me. good advice about one day at a time, i think its far more realistic to accept some days its more important to forget about the plan and then get right back on it the next day!

i'm going to keep writing a food diary, its good discipline as you can't hide syns :)

have a good week, kat x
oh yeah and i put on 2.5lbs, could have been worse