Still waiting on ketosis


Full Member
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]Hieveryone,

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]I'mon day 6 and don't think I'm in ketosis yet. I was hungry all dayyesterday and drank 5 litres throughout the day to keep me going, Ican put up with the hunger its just annoying. I'm still verydetermined and focused and have no intentions of giving up but itwould be easier if I wasn't hungry.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]
I'veread other post on what to look for when you're in ketosis but I'venone of the signs , I woke this morning hoping and praying for asmelly breath but nope, nothing!!. I went to my local pharmacy forketostix yesterday but it was €50 for 10 so I done without!

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]
Iknow it'll happen sooner or later but surely it would've happened by now?

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]Cath[/FONT]
Aww bless Cath!

Wishing the ketosis fairy comes to visit you very soon and well done for sticking with it in the meantime. Just be careful with your water intake that you don't drink too much of it and unbalance your body. Sounds like you're doing all the right things. Keep talking to us and let us know how you're getting on.

Fingers crossed for you.

Kay x x x

I'mon day 6 and don't think I'm in ketosis yet. I was hungry all dayyesterday and drank 5 litres throughout the day to keep me going, Ican put up with the hunger its just annoying. I'm still verydetermined and focused and have no intentions of giving up but itwould be easier if I wasn't hungry.

I'veread other post on what to look for when you're in ketosis but I'venone of the signs , I woke this morning hoping and praying for asmelly breath but nope, nothing!!. I went to my local pharmacy forketostix yesterday but it was €50 for 10 so I done without!

Iknow it'll happen sooner or later but surely it would've happened by now?


With regards to ketostix you can get them in boots or amazon for £5 for 50 I think it is, well worth buying as any shade of pink means you are in ketosis!

Did you have a big meal before you started the diet? With some people it can take them longer to get into ketosis if their body has a lot of glycerin to use up!

Your doing really well to keep going if you still feel hungry! Tell yourself I'm not hungry, it's my brain tricking me and I'm sure you'll soon hit ketosis!
Thanks ladies, I discovered this site last night and already I'm addicted :) it's a great distraction from food and great to see everyone else's experiences.

I've drank 3 - 4 litres of water all the other days but filled myself up yesterday to keep going. I know a lot of it probably is my mind playing tricks on me and that as soon as i get bad breath the hunger will instantly vanish like magic!

I was guilty of a "last supper" the day before i started so maybe its that that's causing the delay.

Heading to my parents house for the weekly sunday feast today but i've my chicken soup packed (i must be the only person who likes it!) and all set to go :)
Hehe! It's fab on here!

Well done for being organised and have a lovely time at your parents.
After hating it at first I don't mind the soup these days - maybe my tastebuds have changed. It strangely repeats on me so tend to stick to chocolate shakes only. At least I have another option if the pharmacy run out of choc :) x x x
Posted twice and can't work out how to delete! Doh!
If my chemist ran out of chocolate they'd have a one woman riot on their hands :D

Some people have said keosticks are rubbish and not that accurate... i've never used them myself. As long as my weight is going down I don't care. :)

Louth lady - how frustrating! I often dream about food an crave food but it's different from hunger. Is it possible you're mistaking the two? Good luck with your weigh in, is it tomorrow?

Oh yeah -just remembered I ate pizza (in my dreams) last night. Woke up and realized it was a dream so drifted off trying to dream of eating more. lol!
yep first weigh in is tomorrow and i can't wait, it'll take all my will power not to be at the door for them opening at 9am!!

I know what you mean about dreams except mine are about cigarettes. I'm off them over 4 years but every so often I have a dream about being back smoking. In one of them I was chatting with a friend and didn't notice I was smoking but when I did I threw it on the floor and started jumping up and down on it to put it out and started panicing and asking her did it count as being back smoking again then I started crying cas I'd have the hassle of quitting again..... I can only imagine what food dreams I'll have
Hehe Pizza hey And? I love it!! x