Strange Dreams!


Playing the Angel
Since starting LL, I have had the best quality sleep Ive had in years. Proper, deep, wake up feeling refreshed sleep. The first few days I recall having the odd dream with food in it. I seem to recall Daisydoll, mentioning food dreams occurring. Last nights was very strage however. I have been 100% abstinent and plan to stay that way. Last night though, I dreamt, that I cheated, not once but multiple times, shoving all sorts off food into my mouth and eating it, some was enjoyable, some was not, and the guilt was overwhelming and I woke up really angry with myself thinking how could you cheat after being so good!!! Luckily realised it was just a dream and I am still abstinent. Anyone else ever experience this, is it my subconscious wanting to cheat??? Feel rather confused about it all.

Thanks BL, you are such an inspiration to me, was just a bit concerned and hope it wasn't my sub conscious trying to sabotage me!!! I am 100% committed to this plan because I can see it works, and I can't wait for the day I achieve my goal.

Have a happy weekend!

Hi Jez, I had a dream just like that in the early days too.Don't over-analyse this,its very common xx
I had a really weird dream last night (nothing to do with food or LL) it was about a giant guinea pig with long hair and hundreds off legs that dug into me, and hen lots of other guinea pigs trying to escape lol x
The food porn is understandable and common. Vix, I'm worried about you.
I know lol x
The mind obviously plays some very funny tricks on us!!! Incredible how ingrained into your subconscious all this eating malarkey is !! <G> hehehehe, at least I know I am not the only one :)

nope, not the only one lol x