
I all week 3 weigh in tomorrow. Weighed myself at home today only lost 3lb this week. Bit gutted. Have struggled alot though. Can't seem to have all 3 of my tetros in a day. Normally have 2. Have had chicken and salad about twice this week. Lost 9lb in my first week and 6lb in my second. 15lb in 2 weeks but this week i just feel bloated and rubbish :-(
Sorry you're feeling rubbish about the weigh in but 18lbs in 3 weeks is really good, you wouldn't get that result by doing general slimming clubs!
Have you been taking your measurements? I bet you have lost loads of inches since you started?
It doesn't sound like lots but even if you lost 3.5lbs a week, it's sill a stone a month which is pretty impressive.
Sounds really silly but drinking more water may make you feel less bloated.. Not in one go but just in general as the more you need the loo, the less bloated you may feel.
Hope you feel less rubbish soon and well done on your progress so far! X
Week 2 or 3 is always slow. Check my stats in the signature. It's the shock of the diet hitting your body but bucks up. Average loss is 3.5lb a week though to lose stone per month. Try & have your packs as lack of nutrients from not eating them will make you feel ill.
Thanks both. I'm being measured tomorrow by CDC . I can tell I've lost a lot on my legs as jeans are very baggy. Water is my weakness. I really don't drink that much of it. Was never a big drinker before. Keep thinking after weigh in tomorrow just drink all shakes and it's done then. X