
I know it's easier said than done but try drinking more water and also black coffee helps too.
I also had a very clean house them first few days as it was a way of keeping busy

Good luck
Hi Millie - on day 6 here and just wanted to say hang in there, it does get better, and you can do it.

You will feel hungry but it won't be forever, once ketosis kicks in your cravings should calm down.

Remember, food is lovely but not as great as the promise you've made yourself. And it'll be there when you've finished Exante!

Things that help:

- having your packs at regular intervals (every four hours is good)
- splitting packs in half can make it easier
- sipping water regularly and drinking black tea
- drinking Marigold bouillon, a hot savoury drink
- having a long bath
- hqving an early night
- staying away from food, just for a couple of days!

I spent my first few days treating myself as though I had a cold. I wrapped myself up in a duvet, read books, watched DVDs etc and it really helped.

It really will get better. You've taken a brilliant first step - now look after yourself. You deserve it!
Thank you for your support, unfortunately I don't like coffee or black tea :( I'm drinking 2-3 litres of water a day too. I'm back at work tomoro so hopefully my mind will be busy all day. But thanks again
I just started the diet again I have done it before but this time seems way harder the last time I lost almost 2 stone in the month and I'm now hoping to lose the last stone I really know how you feel about food I am constantly thinking about it thanked day 1s over I hope it gets better :(
hang in there and keep busy love u will b fyn u kno it will pass soon
Thank you I know it seems like such a hard thing to do but my craving seems to be at nights wen I would chill n have a supper but I've decided to break my dinner shake in two and have the last 1 wen my fiancé is having his! Has really helped :)
all good tips, i'm on day 1 - and just realising the mountain ahead of me! however all my own fault for being a little piggie and letting it get to this stage! i don't know if i could split a shake into 2 it seems hardly enough when its 1 never mind 2! I'm going to try the hot boullion though, that might help. supermarket on way to work tomorrow :)
I actually feel like I have run out of energy tonight! totally knackered!! fingers crossed for a good sleep and wake up refreshed and in a good mood for Friday xx