STS/Limited weight gain diary


Full Member
I've decided to post and start a diary as I've been reading everyone elses and have been so motivated and inspired to hopefully do as well as everyone else!
I am currently 23 +3 and have gained 1 stone exactly.
My start weight was 9 stone 13, I appreciate this doesnt sound a lot but I am only just 5 foot tall :(
I didnt gain at all in the first 14 weeks but the stone has gone on in the last 9 weeks...I didnt really want to get to a stone until 30 weeks but hope that I can keep this on track by sts for a while or at least limit the lbs.
I have been trying to stick to slimming world which was successful for a while but I have stalled so may change to counting calories if no improvement in the next few weeks.
Anyway I hope by keeping this diary I can track what is happening and where the lbs are coming from.
Ideally I do not want to gain more than 2 stone.
If anyone has any thoughts or ideas then please feel free to add or post as it would be appreciated!
Breakfast- cocoa hoops and tea- 177 cals
Alpen light bar- 70 cals
Vegetable stirfry- 520
Fanta zero- 18
2 wholemeal pitas, light mayo, veg, chicken and cheese and potato wedges-706
Crème egg- 150
Total- 1718

Decided to count yesterday as a calorie day or if it was SW think it would be about 15 syns
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Good Luck - i'm sure you will be fine.

its weird having weight loss at the back on the mind rather than the main focus, but you can do it.
Thanks Rebecca! Yeh I know, I'm trying not to get consumed by it as we have enough pressures being pregnant but then I don't want to struggle after the birth as well when I should just enjoy my new baby! Its just working out the right balance :) x
Wheatflakes cereal with milk- 120 cals
Penguin-106 cals
tomato and bacon pasta bake- 662 cals
pineapple ice lolly- 74
Beans and cheese on toast- 626 cals
creme egg-150
Not sure if going to be a calorie day or SW day yet but so far:
Wheatflakes cereal with milk- 120 cals
alpen light bar- 70 cals
jaket potato, beans and cheese- 600 cals
yoghurt- 77 cals
creme egg- 150
cod, vegtables, boiled potatos and mini milk ice lolly- 456
Total- 1473
May have a bowl of strawberry clusters later if I do- 1773
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Thank you very much Cas! I'm trying not to get bogged down with thinking about what I'm eating all the time but it's hard to find the balance! How are you getting on? X
Ive had my baby now she's 5 wks, im quite proud I kept weight gain low in pg as its so hard to do. I did both in pg calorie counting and sw but I wasnt stricted wiv either, I did find calorie counting better for me to follow cos I went off alot of foods that are free foods like veg and pasta. I tried to stay active just by doing alot of walking and even being on here is great as ur able to support each other along the way. Ive gone back to calorie counting to try and lose the non pg weight that ive gained over last few yrs I wud try sw but im craving sweet things due to feeding. Is this ur first baby? x
Aw congratulations on your baby what did you have? No this is my second, my little boy will be nearly 4 by the time the new baby boy comes along on 4th sept. Last time I just went absolutely mad n put about 3 n a half stone on.. I couldn't even tell you the exact amount because I just didn't care! I did after tho when it came to shift it lol. I have carried an extra stone n a half since then..I'm only 5 foot so my docs were concerned as I was well above the bmi etc. Hence the reason why I'm trying to stay in control this time! I've put 9lbs on in 3 weeks n don't think I've ate excessively so maybe baby needs it? I'm also going to swap to cal counting for a while to see how that goes. Did you Alternate between the two right up to your due date? X
Thanks hun, I've had a baby girl I called her Hollie Mai 7.8lbs, she's my third daughter. Wow 2 boys, is your lil boy looking forward to being a big brother? x

I was massive with my 2 yr old, I gained 3 stone and was over weight before pregnancy. So I felt the same didnt want to get that big again. Although she was a big baby and those 3 stone did come off quickly after birth.

This time I did sw before falling pg and lost half stone I carried on for first few mths but couldnt stick to it as I would go over with syns but I just maintained most of my weight some wks I wud sts, or gain lb and then i'll lose a lb.
I started to calorie count just to stay in control of my weight as I started to put on a few pounds towards end of second trimester I use to aim for 2000 calories each day but wud have a takeaway on the weekends as a treat. I often still ate sw meals but just calorie counted them so I can still have snacks that arent sw friendly you could give it ago alternate between the 2 and see wot works best. I'm sure those 9 lbs is just where babys having a growth spurt x


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She is gorgeous, what a lovely name! Wow 3 daughters!!! Maybe you can give me tips on how to conceive a girl?! lol Dont think its gonna happen for me as OH is a family of 25 boys and only one girl! Joshua is excited but my sister has just had a baby and he has started getting very clingy and a acts quite baby like when he is around..I'm hoping it will go off by Sept and he will get used to it! What is the age difference?
I think thats what I'm going to do, maybe alternate but keep within the calorie range..Im eating two creme egss a day and cal counting thats 300 cals while with sw its its about 16 for the two so just over the limit without anything else! x
Thanks hun, my older 2 girls are 2 and nearly 8 yrs so so got my hands full! my oh came from family of all boys as well, his desperate for a lil boy so I should be asking you for tips!

My eldest is enjoying having a new sister, she's really helpful and my 2 yr old is fine with the baby I was bit worried how she was going to react, but she didnt take much notice at first, was more interested in doing her own thing she's very active child but now she's becoming more involved wants to cuddle and play with Hollie. I'm sure Joshua will be fine once baby arrives, we got the girls a lil present from baby so Maisie didnt feel left out x

I'm going to try and eat sw meals for dinner, so im not just eating unhealthy calories or processed foods wiv sw I wud go way over on syns 2 creme eggs isn't much is it, I do love my chocolate I need it just to keep me going x

Have you got any names yet? x
Aw that's lovely that they are interested and helpful I couldn't imagine it if Joshua felt left out. That gives me hope for him hopefully he will be fine, he's a good boy n quite sensitive. We like the names Noah and Elliot but still undecided. Do you and your OH have much help from family? I imagine with 3 you struggle to have much time to yourselves now xx
Just been weighed lost 2lbs so really pleased. Makes total of 12lbs at 24 weeks
Today so far..
Wheetflake cereal n milk - 120 cals
4 slices of wholemeal toast with sandwich spread, small slice of lemon cake- 370 cals
4 quality street- 154 cals
tea is going to be 2 slices of wholemeal bread, chicken breast with cheese and some beans- 686 cals
Probably creme egg- 150 cals
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Fordg said:
Just been weighed lost 2lbs so really pleased. Makes total of 12lbs at 24 weeks
Today so far..
Wheetflake cereal n milk - 120 cals
4 slices of wholemeal toast with sandwich spread, small slice of lemon cake- 370 cals
4 quality street- 154 cals
2 slices of wholemeal bread, chicken breast with cheese and some beans- 686 cals
Probably creme egg- 150 cals
4 more quality street...argh -154 cals
Yoghurt- 54 cals
Total 1688
Ah lovely names I do like Noah it goes well wiv Joshua, im sure Joshua be fine its amazing how quickly everyone adapts to having a new baby. I got watch my l'o as she keeps wanting to pick up the baby, hoping its only going last a few days.

Your calories were good yesterday, I dont feel like im dieting, its so much easier adding up cal's than working out points or syns.

Yeah we do have family near by to help if we need it but we generally ok we do get bit of time in evening as its just hollie up, Maisie's in bed by 7.30 she's a great sleeper and Emily likes watching a dvd in her rm, have you got family near by to help x
Not a good day...
Wheetflakes- 120
2 mini Danish pastries-600
Homemade veg curry with boiled rice- 500
Creme egg-150
Alpen light- 70
2 slices of wholemeal toast, beans and cheese- 322
yoghurt- 54
creme egg- 150
Total- 2020
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