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I am stuck at basically the same weight I have been for like 2 months :( I have barely been counting my points and I just have no motivation, I've lost 2.5stone so far and I have just started a new job where its so hard to stick to my points! I want to be re-motivated and start losing that 2lbs a week again, but I'm finding it hard! I have been perfect on my points today, but just feel like ugh about the whole thing! I know I'm complaining and ranting, but I guess I need someone to kick my butt some more and help motivate me? :break_diet:
I am stuck at basically the same weight I have been for like 2 months :( I have barely been counting my points and I just have no motivation, I've lost 2.5stone so far and I have just started a new job where its so hard to stick to my points! I want to be re-motivated and start losing that 2lbs a week again, but I'm finding it hard! I have been perfect on my points today, but just feel like ugh about the whole thing! I know I'm complaining and ranting, but I guess I need someone to kick my butt some more and help motivate me? :break_diet:

I know how you feel, I have days like that, I work shifts aswell which doesnt always help! :(

Just think that it doesnt take alot of effort to count your points, and you must have been doing well to loose 2.5 stone already!

I buy the weight watchers chocloate mini rolls and keep them in the cupboard, then when I have a rubbish day and need a chocolate fix, they are there and they are only 2 pp! ace! lol

Imagine how you would feel if you put it all back on again, you should be motivated and proud of how well you have done so far :)

well done and keep going, you can do it!!

x x x
Thanks Marie! Ive been counting my points again for 2 days, but its been easier cus im off work, but from monday im going to be at work from 8am monday to 9pm its a bit of a nightmare :( guess i gotta remember to take enough food in with me and try and resist temptation!!!!
I kno im just bein lazy but sometimes there is just no motivation!! The chocolate rolls sound good..i havent seen them! Atm i have the oat and blueberry biscuits which are lovely! I guess i just need to be told now and again that its not that hard!!!
How is your diet going? :) xx
Thanks Marie! Ive been counting my points again for 2 days, but its been easier cus im off work, but from monday im going to be at work from 8am monday to 9pm its a bit of a nightmare :( guess i gotta remember to take enough food in with me and try and resist temptation!!!!
I kno im just bein lazy but sometimes there is just no motivation!! The chocolate rolls sound good..i havent seen them! Atm i have the oat and blueberry biscuits which are lovely! I guess i just need to be told now and again that its not that hard!!!
How is your diet going? :) xx

i'm the same as you, i definately find it easier at home, I work shifts so it does get difficult...that sounds like an awful shift you doing!! pack plenty of fruit and i find almonds are good for a quick snack if you want them - 5 for 2pp...although some find they are a bit boring i find that them with a glass of water are quite satisfying :)
your not being lazy, we all need re-motivation at times, i know i have and i probably will again lots of times, but we just need to think our goals and we will get there!
yes the choc rolls are lovely, you cant even tell they are low fat ones!! delious!!!
mines going ok....i've got 9lbs so far, so ok i think, i would have liked to have lost more, but i have had a few naughty times but i have them out of the way now so onwards and upwards!! i havent put any back on so thats a bonus! :)

hopefully the weather will start to get nice so i can go running or swimming and get my ass in to gear!! lol.

do you have this site as an app on your phone? if you havent and you have a smart phone then defo get it, i find that when im at work and im edging towards the chocolate machine i quickly log in and look around and see other people talking about their losses and then i dont want any :)

x x x
I love almonds, i usually buy them but i didnt get any this week :( ive got lots of stuff to take into work with me 2morrow so hopefully i shall be ok for the next few days..i had a sneaky weigh in and im 2 pounds down atm, so im hoping it stays off till weigh in!!!
Yeah 9lbs is awesome! I started off at 200lbs so a little lighter than u, but im sure u will find ur self in the 170s quicker than u can believe..then it seems less far too go to the 140s! I didnt notice the diffence in my body till nearly like 2 stone off though which sucked :( I think sometimes being a bit naughty is good because otherwise u can get so sick of being on a diet that u are like oh screw it!! Im looking forward to it getting a bit warmer as well, ive bought some hiking boots today so hopefully i will be able to do lots of walking. I normally have to go on a few walks a week with my work so thats good exercise at work!!
Nah i used to have it on my android phone but i got a blackberry and dont have it anymore. I can come on it on the internet browser of my phone though so hopefully that will be helpful if im feeling tempted!!
Im dreading these 2 days at work cus i dont want this week to go down the pan!!
well thats good that your 2lbs down already :) im sure it will stay off if your good the rest of the week! what day is your weigh in?

Yeh i agree you defo have to have a treat or you will fail! i think thats why pp has worked for me so far cuz even a curly wurly at 3pp feels ace! lol its not good just eating salad every day, you have to eat the food you want!
what do you do for work then? at least your active with work, thats good. i work in an office so im sat on my ass most of the day haha! i've noticed since ive been working there in the past 2 years i've piled on the weight :(
i'm sure you will be ok at work - just dont keep thinking your going to fail or you will!! you know you can do it, you've done amazing already!! :)
Well atm my weigh in day is on a friday! How about u? Having a good week??
Yeah i had a curly wurly last night, was awesome! I managed to stick to my points at work! Im a care support worker for adults with like today i had to go on to long walks! Lots of exercise! Yeah i found working in a shop i put on weight, i can imagine an office isnt so great for it either :( Id constantly be snacking if i worked in an office! It must be difficult!! x
mines a friday aswell, but i was cheeky today and had a sneaky weigh in! ive lost 2lbs and my friend came round and said "you can tell you have lost weight" so that was a nice little boost as i was starting to feel a bit rubbish!

thats good then with the walks, i'm going to start walking more, we have forests by us so will be nice!

im a dental nurse so usually rushing around a surgery all day but now i work for nhs direct so sat all day :(

hows your week been so far? x
Woo thats awesome! Hopefully those 2lbs will still be off by friday for both of us!! :D I love it when friends notice you've lost just feel like saying 'YES, YES I HAVE, IVE FREAKING LOST LOADS OF WEIGHT AND IM AWESOME' ahahaa.
Ahh it is difficult when your job holds u back a bit, im trying to avoid mine holding me back more but buying all the food to take in is so expensive, because i can get free food there :(
My week has been awesome so far, sticking to my points well! How about yours? :) x
haha i know thats what i wanted to say!!! lol
dont they do any healthy food there if its free? it is expensive all the healthy food, i tend to buy fruit/veg from the fruit shop so its a bit cheaper! I dont bother buying all the WW meals etc as that works out expensive, i only buy some things the the mini rolls lol.

Are you aiming for any mini goals or just your main one?
Well done for getting through the last few days, hope you both have fab weigh ins on Friday!
Well the food that is cooked there is like a 'family dinner' so to speak...i work in like a house basically where 5 autistic people live, so we just support them through their days, so a dinner is cooked by staff each im having to cook for myself cus either i dont like wat they are having, or i dont know wats going in it. Certain things i do eat like the salads and fruit which saves me money!!! Im finding im spending money on WW meals just because its soo hard for me at work to get the time in to cook something, and there is limited stuff in the house for me to cook with. Its all a bit annoying!
No mini goals really cus im too lazy to stick to them aha. How about you? How long have u been on WW now?

Thank you Kim!! :) I hope everything is going well for you also! Your picture makes me want cake hehe x
thanks kim lol hope your doing well too!!

well im just taking it a stone at a time, scary and seems too far off when i think 4 stone left lol.

cant you cook a pasta meal and re-heat at work or take it and cook it when your there? would be hard for you to point having the meals they cook there!!

i like the WW moose's, they are just a sachet and you mix with milk n leave in fridge for 10 mins, they are small but 1 sachet makes 2 small moose's at 1pp each, they are great when you fancy something sweet! they have strawberry and choc so yum yum :) so you could pre-prepare some and take one with you, i brought the little pots from asda to put the mix in there were only like 60p lol

i'm really debating whether to go to back to a meeting or not and just see whats going on incase ive missed anything lol.

i ordered all the new "shop" and "eat out" books off ebay and they ahvent come yet so i hope its not dodgy!!! x
Yo save a bit of money if you have a poundland near you they have ww snacks and bagels which works out cheaper. A simple meal of tomatoes on toast is only 4 points. (son is autistic and used to have respite in a residential home) can the residents help? Matt is a pain to me when he sees me eying up some chocolate as the look he gives me is like a telling off (limited speech lol) and I end up not eating it.
Yeah 4 stone does seem like a long way away but it will be 3 stone before u know it, then 2! Yea i do cook pasta and stuff to take it, its nt been so bad atm actually, taking in my meals has worked really well this week, even when they have had yummy stuff i have resisted!
I do like the mousses actually, i have little pots so i should do that for a little sweet treat at work!
You could go to a meeting if you think it will help? It might kinda put the pressure on, in a good way, so u try harder?
The books are really good, esp the shopping one, helps me loads!

Yeah cori i use poundland but its quite far away so i dont go too often, but when i do i stock up hehe! The guys that live in the house do help with cooking sometimes, it depends what we are doing, one is an epic vegetable peeler, and some just enjoy stirring a little bit. It is quite helpful being in the house, because you cant really snack in front of them because they are looking at u like, 'wheres mine?' >( hehe. Sounds like your son is good to have around when your dieting aha!
Also I did my weigh in today and ive lost 2lbs!! Woo!! :D hehe x
Well done with your week!! and well done for loosing the 2lbs!! see how you were last week, worried you were stuck and now you have lost!! woo hoo!! lol.
my books came yesterday, i had the "deluxe" pack. its all looks good, better than the other book i had!
i've lost 1lb this week so only got 2 more lbs til i hit my first stone loss. cant wait to reach it! :)

Thank you!! Yeah, i know i was stuck because i was being lazy and not counting my points but now im back counting them the weight is coming off which is good :D YAY!! Congratulations! Only a few more points till the stone mark!! Thats awesome :D ive got 6lbs to go before my three stone mark aha. Then i can be like yeah, ive lost 3 stone biatches ahahaa. x
haha!! thats going to feel so good isnt it when u can say that!! is that when u reach your goal? iv got bloody 4 more to go. :( not taken long for this stone so hopefully these wont either!!
doesnt it feel great when your clothes start to feel loose!
its going to cost us a fortune in new clothes!! :) x
Nah my goal is 4 a little bit more to go yet!!! Yeah i love that some of my clothes like drown me now, its amazing :D are yours starting to get looser? It is expensive having to buy new stuff so i havent shopped to much, and if i have its been stretchy stuff so i can get in it when im smaller as well :D x