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Week 1 Diary
Tuesday 18[SUP]th[/SUP] of Feb
Right… I’ve made the decision… I think! Having just got back from Berlin and yet again after being away with work put on half a stone taking me up to 15st 12lbs, I really need to get my act together. I’ve spent the last year losing 2 stone on weight watchers, only to put it all back on again in the last few months. Feeling rubbish about self and wondering if I will ever be able to lose weight and feel like a normal person rather than a fat blob.
Was away with someone who has done Cambridge a few years ago and she now looks hot. She’s 49, a size 8 and managed to keep it all off so going to use her as inspiration to get through this. Given that I’m 24 I really have no excuse to crack on now and get thin before I turn into a spinster overrun with cats- I don’t even really like cats :/.
Called the CDC and was surprisingly nervous- not a feeling I am particularly used to given that I spend my time managing events so I’m on the phone to new people all the time! She was good- she went through all the information and made sure I thought it was going to be the right thing for me so appointment has been made for Thursday so fingers crossed that this is the start of a new era!
Thursday 20[SUP]th[/SUP] of Feb
Having eaten pretty healthily all week and done a session with my personal trainer this morning, I’m feeling fired up and ready to go. But then the realisation hits that I’ve actually made plans to go to the pub tomorrow night with all my girl pals which always equates to huge amounts of wine. Make decision that I will properly start on Saturday so can make the most of one last night of getting plastered.
Arrive at CDC’s house feeling a little bit sick. She offers me tea or coffee and I ask for my usual- black tea which she’s happy about as this is one factor that will make the process easier. She lays out all the products and I’m thinking wow there are tons of flavours but when it comes down to actually deciding what I want to order, I realise there are less than I had hoped that are actually appealing. I’ve got a good selection though so I will just need to see which I can stomach.
Friday 21[SUP]st[/SUP] of Feb
Right as my last day of proper eating, I’m going to make the most of it. Go for tea and cake in the afternoon with Mum and then scoff a huge rib eye steak with French fries and mushroom cream sauce for my last dinner. Head to the pub and am pissed after one glass of wine- very odd as sometimes it can take more than a bottle! Leave the pub at 1 after almost falling asleep on the sofa and down a couple of pints of water in the hope it will lessen my hangover, starting this diet on a hangover isn’t going to be fun!
Saturday 22[SUP]nd[/SUP] of Feb
Woke up feeling surprisingly ok. Can’t find the energy to go for my normal swim but decide that’s ok as CDC said to cut down a little on my usual exercise routine. Make up my first shake (mint chocolate) as hot chocolate because the weather’s crap outside and need something to cheer me up. It’s surprisingly ok! In the afternoon I head to the pub and friends and landlord almost fall over when I order water. 3 bottles later and I’m starting to feel pretty bored of water but thankfully not too hungry.
Head home for my first soup- it can only be described as truly disgusting. I haven’t quite managed to get all the lumps out of it and keep having to microwave it so it’s not cold. Mum, feeling a bit sorry for me, takes me to the cinema where the temptation of popcorn and Fanta are overwhelming but feels like a massive achievement to have avoided them by the time I get home.
Sunday 23[SUP]rd[/SUP] of Feb
Wake up and pretty much run to the scales, I’m desperately hoping I’ve lost some weight already. And I am well and truly rewarded, down 4 lbs since yesterday! Well thank god it’s been worth it so far- I never lose weight over the weekend, just put back on what I lost in the week normally!
Manage to make it round Sainsbury’s only purchasing a blender, a Pyrex jug and huge amounts of bottled water and some coke zero (I know it’s not officially allowed but lots of people seem to still drink it and have success and my CDC said it was ok).
Feels very odd not having Sunday dinner though and am going to the loo every 10 minutes due to extra water consumption but all in all feeling ok. I head back to London and try and psych myself up for the coming week on the journey. Go to bed feeling pretty exhausted.
Monday 24[SUP]th[/SUP] of Feb
First day in the office. Thinking this will be a challenge! Planned on going to swim this morning but struggled to get up. Get into office for 10pm, lugging copious amounts of bottled water and am greeted by a whole load of people who I’ve never met before and don’t really fancy explaining the diet to. Luckily they all leave for a meeting and I am left alone to consume my shake for lunch.
Afternoon is tricky, colleagues return and I offer to get everyone something from Sainsbury’s if they want it as I am on a mission to buy yet more water. One person accepts and asks for popcorn… one of my firm favourites. I get back and she rips open the bag, places it in the middle of the desks and says to us all to help ourselves. My mind is going crazy- I can smell the sweet popcorn and my mouth is watering but I manage to get through the craving ok and make it home without falling off the wagon! Too tired to do much in the evening but am working from home for the rest of the week so am secretly relieved that I will be away from temptation.
Tuesday 25[SUP]th[/SUP] of Feb
Head to body pump to kick off the day. It goes ok and don’t feel faint which is good. I was worried I wasn’t going to be able to manage it.
Day is fairly easy, not overly hungry but do look forward to my shakes. Still not able to stomach the soups but tired the Spicy Tomato one tonight and wasn’t too bad with a bit of salt and pepper thrown in for good measure. (Again, aware shouldn’t be eating salt but if it means I can get this soup down, it’s probably for the best to have a little bit!).
Head over to friends in evening (actually put a dress and make up on as I am feeling a little bit thinner today) and they are all eating sausages and chips for tea and drinking wine and beer. Struggle a little with this as have only brought a Tetra Pack and I don’t find them quite as filling although they do taste better. One friend not particularly supportive of the plan saying that I’m not eating enough and am not being healthy which is frustrating, but am already starting to see results so put his comments to one side.
Dad texts during the evening to see how I’m getting on which is nice of him and I’m spurred on a bit.
Have a bit of a palava on the way home as go to pump my tires up and end up dropping the cap underneath the car and am scraping around on my hands and knees in the rain getting covered in petrol trying to find it, so not feeling quite as attractive as when I left the house!
Wednesday 26[SUP]th[/SUP] of Feb
Start the day off with a swim which is ok but by the time I get back I’m struggling. I think I have reached the Ketosis phase. Mouth tastes like something has gone off in it. CDC had said some people feel good at this stage but I am really struggling today.
I can’t go to the loo so go and get some fibre supplements from Holland and Barrett as CDC doesn’t have any to hand. I do go back to her though and swap some of my flavours- I can’t stand the porridge or any soup except tomato and am going through a lot more of the tetra packs than planned.
Concentration is nil and have loads of work to do. End up watching loads of episodes of The Biggest Loser Australia which doesn’t help as the temptation is steak and chips which I’m really craving and then end up doing my work in the middle of the night, finally get to sleep at 2am.
Thursday 27[SUP]th[/SUP] of Feb
Wake up feeling a little better. Taste is still present but not nearly as bad as yesterday. Concentration is back on track and I manage to get through a ton of work before I drive back down to Kent.
Go to friends in the evening for a cup of tea and get on surprisingly well. They had eaten before I had arrived which helped! Had a bit of a break though moment as she said, I don’t really see you as someone who eats THAT much and then I proceeded to list what I would eat on a normal binge day. It shocked myself to hear it all out loud to be honest! It’s not the kind of thing you admit to people normally but a sausage sandwich, followed by half a baguette with a whole pack of rillettes from waitrose, a cupcake, the majority of a pack of biscuits, 2 litres of orange juice and then pork belly with dauphinoise potatoes and garlic bread and maybe a slice of cheesecake to finish it off summed up exactly why I had piled on so much weight recently!
Friday 28[SUP]th[/SUP] of Feb
Feeling a bit irritable during the day but manage to get a huge amount of work done. Head to the pub with the girls in the evening and it becomes a bit of a standing joke with my water order. They’re all being very supportive though. Then the boys turn up and have to re-explain my drink of choice again but everyone seems to be pretty positive about the change, especially when I tell them how much I have lost.
Saturday 1[SUP]st[/SUP] of March
Hardest day yet. Go to the driving range in the morning as have decided to take up some new hobbies which do not involve drinking or eating at the weekend. I was totally and utterly crap but it was a good laugh and I think I’ll go again as it was a great way to spend a couple of hours without spending much money.
Girls decide they want to go to Nando’s for lunch. They tell me they’ll meet me after but I don’t want to miss out on social occasions just because of the diet, so I mentally prepare myself and get through lunch without any major issues.
We spend the rest of the day in the pub which is excruciating. There is food coming out left, right and centre and for the first time all week I feel truly hungry. I’m bored without drinking wine and can’t wait to go home and go to bed.
Sunday 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] of March
Wake up feeling a bit more motivated as am down another couple of pounds which makes the pain of yesterday worth it! Go for a swim with my Mum and then am meant to be going for afternoon tea for a friend’s birthday. At the last minute she texts to say the plan has changed and we are just going to a pub for lunch which I am secretly pleased about as I think I can manage to watch people eat pub lunch easier than I can watch them all eat cream cakes J
Everyone at the meal is really supportive an encouraging which is nice. Go to meet another group of friends in the afternoon and people are starting to notice the difference in my weight which can only be a good thing! Probably because have made the effort to wear a dress and heels which is highly unusual! Then go to pick up some icing bags that my friend has got for me from work and feel a little sad when I realised I won’t be making cakes for a while but head back up to London, proud that I have managed to make it through the weekend unscathed and even happier about how supportive everyone has been… I CAN do this!
Monday 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] of March
Weigh in day… so it’s been a little bit over a week but with my all over the place schedule I can’t commit to the usual weekly weigh ins. Excited that I will be able to eat bars by Saturday, I spend some time looking up what other people have thought of them which lead me to find other people’s diaries online. It has made me decide that I will put mine up for the world to see as well which isn’t something I would normally do, but other people’s success stories have been inspiring me this week so if mine can help even 1 person to do the same then that will be great!
Just back from weigh in now and down a whole 12 pounds- woohoo
so glad that it has all been worth it! Have lost 2 ½ inches from my chest, 1 ½ inches from my waist and 1 ½ from my hips… fabulous! And my CDC said it was one of the best week 1 losses she has ever seen- fingers crossed it can continue!! Counting down the days until I can fit in some size 12 jeans! (I’m still an 18 so it’ll be a while yet!!). On another note, tried the mix a mouse this evening for the first time with the Fruits of the Forest shake… It has made me feel a bit sick, not sure if that’s the flavour as it was the first time I had tried it or the texture? How much water does everyone else use to mix them up? Maybe it needs a little more as it was very thick.
For those of you that made it this far, thanks for sticking with me
A long post I know, but had written this on my computer as I went this week as wasn't planning on posting it so it's a whole week in one go!!!
Tuesday 18[SUP]th[/SUP] of Feb
Right… I’ve made the decision… I think! Having just got back from Berlin and yet again after being away with work put on half a stone taking me up to 15st 12lbs, I really need to get my act together. I’ve spent the last year losing 2 stone on weight watchers, only to put it all back on again in the last few months. Feeling rubbish about self and wondering if I will ever be able to lose weight and feel like a normal person rather than a fat blob.
Was away with someone who has done Cambridge a few years ago and she now looks hot. She’s 49, a size 8 and managed to keep it all off so going to use her as inspiration to get through this. Given that I’m 24 I really have no excuse to crack on now and get thin before I turn into a spinster overrun with cats- I don’t even really like cats :/.
Called the CDC and was surprisingly nervous- not a feeling I am particularly used to given that I spend my time managing events so I’m on the phone to new people all the time! She was good- she went through all the information and made sure I thought it was going to be the right thing for me so appointment has been made for Thursday so fingers crossed that this is the start of a new era!
Thursday 20[SUP]th[/SUP] of Feb
Having eaten pretty healthily all week and done a session with my personal trainer this morning, I’m feeling fired up and ready to go. But then the realisation hits that I’ve actually made plans to go to the pub tomorrow night with all my girl pals which always equates to huge amounts of wine. Make decision that I will properly start on Saturday so can make the most of one last night of getting plastered.
Arrive at CDC’s house feeling a little bit sick. She offers me tea or coffee and I ask for my usual- black tea which she’s happy about as this is one factor that will make the process easier. She lays out all the products and I’m thinking wow there are tons of flavours but when it comes down to actually deciding what I want to order, I realise there are less than I had hoped that are actually appealing. I’ve got a good selection though so I will just need to see which I can stomach.
Friday 21[SUP]st[/SUP] of Feb
Right as my last day of proper eating, I’m going to make the most of it. Go for tea and cake in the afternoon with Mum and then scoff a huge rib eye steak with French fries and mushroom cream sauce for my last dinner. Head to the pub and am pissed after one glass of wine- very odd as sometimes it can take more than a bottle! Leave the pub at 1 after almost falling asleep on the sofa and down a couple of pints of water in the hope it will lessen my hangover, starting this diet on a hangover isn’t going to be fun!
Saturday 22[SUP]nd[/SUP] of Feb
Woke up feeling surprisingly ok. Can’t find the energy to go for my normal swim but decide that’s ok as CDC said to cut down a little on my usual exercise routine. Make up my first shake (mint chocolate) as hot chocolate because the weather’s crap outside and need something to cheer me up. It’s surprisingly ok! In the afternoon I head to the pub and friends and landlord almost fall over when I order water. 3 bottles later and I’m starting to feel pretty bored of water but thankfully not too hungry.
Head home for my first soup- it can only be described as truly disgusting. I haven’t quite managed to get all the lumps out of it and keep having to microwave it so it’s not cold. Mum, feeling a bit sorry for me, takes me to the cinema where the temptation of popcorn and Fanta are overwhelming but feels like a massive achievement to have avoided them by the time I get home.
Sunday 23[SUP]rd[/SUP] of Feb
Wake up and pretty much run to the scales, I’m desperately hoping I’ve lost some weight already. And I am well and truly rewarded, down 4 lbs since yesterday! Well thank god it’s been worth it so far- I never lose weight over the weekend, just put back on what I lost in the week normally!
Manage to make it round Sainsbury’s only purchasing a blender, a Pyrex jug and huge amounts of bottled water and some coke zero (I know it’s not officially allowed but lots of people seem to still drink it and have success and my CDC said it was ok).
Feels very odd not having Sunday dinner though and am going to the loo every 10 minutes due to extra water consumption but all in all feeling ok. I head back to London and try and psych myself up for the coming week on the journey. Go to bed feeling pretty exhausted.
Monday 24[SUP]th[/SUP] of Feb
First day in the office. Thinking this will be a challenge! Planned on going to swim this morning but struggled to get up. Get into office for 10pm, lugging copious amounts of bottled water and am greeted by a whole load of people who I’ve never met before and don’t really fancy explaining the diet to. Luckily they all leave for a meeting and I am left alone to consume my shake for lunch.
Afternoon is tricky, colleagues return and I offer to get everyone something from Sainsbury’s if they want it as I am on a mission to buy yet more water. One person accepts and asks for popcorn… one of my firm favourites. I get back and she rips open the bag, places it in the middle of the desks and says to us all to help ourselves. My mind is going crazy- I can smell the sweet popcorn and my mouth is watering but I manage to get through the craving ok and make it home without falling off the wagon! Too tired to do much in the evening but am working from home for the rest of the week so am secretly relieved that I will be away from temptation.
Tuesday 25[SUP]th[/SUP] of Feb
Head to body pump to kick off the day. It goes ok and don’t feel faint which is good. I was worried I wasn’t going to be able to manage it.
Day is fairly easy, not overly hungry but do look forward to my shakes. Still not able to stomach the soups but tired the Spicy Tomato one tonight and wasn’t too bad with a bit of salt and pepper thrown in for good measure. (Again, aware shouldn’t be eating salt but if it means I can get this soup down, it’s probably for the best to have a little bit!).
Head over to friends in evening (actually put a dress and make up on as I am feeling a little bit thinner today) and they are all eating sausages and chips for tea and drinking wine and beer. Struggle a little with this as have only brought a Tetra Pack and I don’t find them quite as filling although they do taste better. One friend not particularly supportive of the plan saying that I’m not eating enough and am not being healthy which is frustrating, but am already starting to see results so put his comments to one side.
Dad texts during the evening to see how I’m getting on which is nice of him and I’m spurred on a bit.
Have a bit of a palava on the way home as go to pump my tires up and end up dropping the cap underneath the car and am scraping around on my hands and knees in the rain getting covered in petrol trying to find it, so not feeling quite as attractive as when I left the house!
Wednesday 26[SUP]th[/SUP] of Feb
Start the day off with a swim which is ok but by the time I get back I’m struggling. I think I have reached the Ketosis phase. Mouth tastes like something has gone off in it. CDC had said some people feel good at this stage but I am really struggling today.
I can’t go to the loo so go and get some fibre supplements from Holland and Barrett as CDC doesn’t have any to hand. I do go back to her though and swap some of my flavours- I can’t stand the porridge or any soup except tomato and am going through a lot more of the tetra packs than planned.
Concentration is nil and have loads of work to do. End up watching loads of episodes of The Biggest Loser Australia which doesn’t help as the temptation is steak and chips which I’m really craving and then end up doing my work in the middle of the night, finally get to sleep at 2am.
Thursday 27[SUP]th[/SUP] of Feb
Wake up feeling a little better. Taste is still present but not nearly as bad as yesterday. Concentration is back on track and I manage to get through a ton of work before I drive back down to Kent.
Go to friends in the evening for a cup of tea and get on surprisingly well. They had eaten before I had arrived which helped! Had a bit of a break though moment as she said, I don’t really see you as someone who eats THAT much and then I proceeded to list what I would eat on a normal binge day. It shocked myself to hear it all out loud to be honest! It’s not the kind of thing you admit to people normally but a sausage sandwich, followed by half a baguette with a whole pack of rillettes from waitrose, a cupcake, the majority of a pack of biscuits, 2 litres of orange juice and then pork belly with dauphinoise potatoes and garlic bread and maybe a slice of cheesecake to finish it off summed up exactly why I had piled on so much weight recently!
Friday 28[SUP]th[/SUP] of Feb
Feeling a bit irritable during the day but manage to get a huge amount of work done. Head to the pub with the girls in the evening and it becomes a bit of a standing joke with my water order. They’re all being very supportive though. Then the boys turn up and have to re-explain my drink of choice again but everyone seems to be pretty positive about the change, especially when I tell them how much I have lost.
Saturday 1[SUP]st[/SUP] of March
Hardest day yet. Go to the driving range in the morning as have decided to take up some new hobbies which do not involve drinking or eating at the weekend. I was totally and utterly crap but it was a good laugh and I think I’ll go again as it was a great way to spend a couple of hours without spending much money.
Girls decide they want to go to Nando’s for lunch. They tell me they’ll meet me after but I don’t want to miss out on social occasions just because of the diet, so I mentally prepare myself and get through lunch without any major issues.
We spend the rest of the day in the pub which is excruciating. There is food coming out left, right and centre and for the first time all week I feel truly hungry. I’m bored without drinking wine and can’t wait to go home and go to bed.
Sunday 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] of March
Wake up feeling a bit more motivated as am down another couple of pounds which makes the pain of yesterday worth it! Go for a swim with my Mum and then am meant to be going for afternoon tea for a friend’s birthday. At the last minute she texts to say the plan has changed and we are just going to a pub for lunch which I am secretly pleased about as I think I can manage to watch people eat pub lunch easier than I can watch them all eat cream cakes J
Everyone at the meal is really supportive an encouraging which is nice. Go to meet another group of friends in the afternoon and people are starting to notice the difference in my weight which can only be a good thing! Probably because have made the effort to wear a dress and heels which is highly unusual! Then go to pick up some icing bags that my friend has got for me from work and feel a little sad when I realised I won’t be making cakes for a while but head back up to London, proud that I have managed to make it through the weekend unscathed and even happier about how supportive everyone has been… I CAN do this!
Monday 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] of March
Weigh in day… so it’s been a little bit over a week but with my all over the place schedule I can’t commit to the usual weekly weigh ins. Excited that I will be able to eat bars by Saturday, I spend some time looking up what other people have thought of them which lead me to find other people’s diaries online. It has made me decide that I will put mine up for the world to see as well which isn’t something I would normally do, but other people’s success stories have been inspiring me this week so if mine can help even 1 person to do the same then that will be great!
Just back from weigh in now and down a whole 12 pounds- woohoo
For those of you that made it this far, thanks for sticking with me