Sue Dunhym's Diary

Hey. I'm new. Today is Day 1 of my diet. I've never done a VLCD a before, but have been inspired by a friend who has lost almost 100lbs and is still going strong.

I have 60lbs to lose to get to my goal of 10 stone. I'll still be technically overweight at that point but I'm ridiculously short - 4ft10. But being 10 stone would be amazing.

For my first week, I know that a lot of people expect a huge weightloss but I am aiming for 3lbs. that way, if it isn't a huge loss then I won't be too disappointed. I am SSing and I just had my first shake - banana. I'm going to have to get one of those milk frother things because the shaker definitely did not get rid of all the lumps. I have a pre-pack chocolate shake for lunch.

The reasons I want to lose weight:

- To be healthier for my daughter. She is 16 months and I don't want her to grow up with a fat mummy. I want to be able to run around with her and play and not get out of breath.

- For my self-esteem. I want to feel better about myself.

- So I can buy nicer clothes.

So there we go. I have steeled myself for a difficult week. I love my food and this is going to be a big change. But hopefully worth it.
I had a chocolate shake at 1.30 and I'm already hungry. I expected to be hungry, of course, but am just a bit depressed that it's at least another 5 hours until I can eat anything else. This is the hard bit, I guess.
Hi Sue - welcome to CD! I also was inspired by a friend of mine who lost 50lbs in about 3 months and looks fabulous. She was so positive and full of energy that I just had to try CD.

The first few days can be very tough - drink loads of water and have tea (I found warm drinks more filling), it will help you feel full and less hungry. I also had to take an aspirin for headaches at the end of the first 3-4 days, but that passed when I went into ketosis. Once there, your hunger greatly diminishes, your head feels clearer and you have more energy.

Hang in there and good luck! :)
Thank you :)

I have a headache today but that may have more to do with the excess wine I consumed last night. :D I have been drinking lots of water, almost made my required amount for the day already.

I am looking forward to not being hungry, that'll be a novel experience.
Hello suuuuuuuuuue!

Outing myself here as Sue's friend - she's lovely though, don't worry.;)

Sorry you feel hungry honey. I remember the first time I had a tetra I thought it was some kind of cruel joke - didn't dent my appetite a jot. Keep up the water, it does help, and be the stoic I know you can. Hunger generally ******* off around day 4, and while I had headaches for a couple of days after that - the feeling of desperate starvation is mostly gone (though cortisol can do a good impression of hunger, so watch out for that one).

And it really, really is worth it. You will be ten stone, I promise. By July! All you have to do is get past these first days, and then let it become your food life. You can do it. Stoicism. It's very you. Xxxx
How did it go yesterday, petal? Xx
Hey Spangles :) Well, I managed my first day. That point at 2.30 when I realised I still had 5 hours to go until I could "eat" again was the worst bit, but I got through it. My husband asked me to pick up some bread from the shop and I had to refuse because going in a food shop would have killed me.

Day 2 and here are my whinges:

1. I know I'm going to be hungry all day. I am not very good at being hungry. It makes me cross.

2. I have a cold and a cough. Added misery.

3. I slept really poorly, only got about 5 hours.

4. I am cold.

5. I don't like the shakes very much so far. But I did like the chicken and mushroom soup. I am tempted to go back to my CDC and just ask for a bunch of chicken and mushroom soup instead.

6. Did I mention being hungry makes me cross?

7. I feel a bit obsessed by the whole thing, it's taking up a lot of my headspace.


So yeah. Bit miserable. But I know this is to be expected. Just have to power through and be stoic, as you said.

Do you know if I can add things like pepper/curry powder to the soups?
Cortisol is the hormone your body produces when it is stressed. Makes you feel hungry. Git.

Paracetemol is better than ibuprofen on what is an essentially empty stomach.

Cold. Yes. That's normal. When we eat carbs our bodies produce a thermic reaction. No such thing when we use our fat stores. Sorry. Thick socks and lots of layers. At least spring is coming.

Try everything. Even the porridges if you're brave. But all the flavours. If you're at home try whizzing the sachet shakes with a load of ice in a blender (a stick blender will do) - it makes them much nicer. Toffee and walnut was my fave - before I gave way to laziness and just bought tetras. The niceness of things matters less as you go on, ime. Gaijin says that after a while it was just like remembering to take your medicine - dunno about that, but it does matter less.

Chilli powder/black pepper/red tobasco/ other herbs are fine. Not actual fresh chilli or garlic tho. I like the chicken and mush best too, tho I sometimes have the tomato cos it mixes better away from a blender.

Obsessive, yes. Fingers off urban made me a beautiful new website for m'blog last summer, and it's languished unused. This has been my project since I started - and I reckon I've posted loads more on this site than urban over the period. But it seems to have been important. Whatever works, right?
Hi Sue - sorry to hear you're feeling ill. Is your stomach upset/rumbling? Got a headache? Feeling thirsty? You are "withdrawing" from the sugar/carbs in your previous diet and heading toward ketosis. As Spangles says, just hang in there - this does pass! :(

I find the soups, shakes and porridge funny - sometimes I enjoy them, sometimes I think they're awful. Fundamentally I approach them a little like fuel that I need to function. We all end up with our favourite flavours - you just need to go through all of them to find yours.

I hope you feel better tomorrow!
Thanks Tizzy, I appreciate the encouragement :)

So it's Day 3 - WHY AREN'T I THIN YET?

I am taking today off work sick - not because of the diet, but because I am genuinely sick. I'm a total snot and cough monster. I have spent more time ill than well this year - that's what comes of having a toddler in nursery who is a total germ magnet.

I shouldn't really have gone to work yesterday but I was afraid that if I stayed home I would eat. Still a bit frightened of that today, it's going to be a real test of willpower, but I think I can do it.
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You can!

I did my first few weeks at home - which helped because I could just have a nap if I got hungry. Now I appreciate toddlers and napping don't get on well together, but not does dieting and feeling stressed and knackered.

Good luck with day three. You're nearly there!
Hi Sue!

You're already in day three?? Congratulations.. you're nearly over the worst of it - do you know if you're in ketosis yet?

It's hard to believe, but those feelings will subside, and you will start to feel really free and happy to be on CD - ketosis can leave you feeling great about yourself.. once you get there - and you're nearly there! So keep going!!

Do you need to be strategic for today? What's your plan? duvet and telly/a book/films?

What will help?

keep yourself busy, keep yourself safely on CD, drink plenty of fluids - I tend to have loads of hot mint tea (never even liked the stuff before! haha) but I love it now - it feels filling and when I "find myself in the kitchen" I can just stick the kettle on and make some hot water of mint tea.

You can get through these first few days and then you'll be pleased with your success..

keep an eye on the prize!! :)

The reasons I want to lose weight:

- To be healthier for my daughter. She is 16 months and I don't want her to grow up with a fat mummy. I want to be able to run around with her and play and not get out of breath.

- For my self-esteem. I want to feel better about myself.

- So I can buy nicer clothes.

All the best - and keep posting/reading around here.. it can really help tonnes..

Ah! You're sick which also helps explain why you felt so bad yesterday. Hopefully being sick will cut your desire for food - and hot tea/hot mint tea is lovely when you're not feeling well.

When I'm home for the day, I try to keep busy - my place is very clean, all my ironing is done, and I'm now working at cleaning up my office and getting up to date on my paperwork (a job I really don't like, but...). I've recently taught myself how to knit and crochet - if I get into that I suspect I'll be churning out scarves, sweaters, blankets, etc. like crazy while I'm on this diet. It takes both hands, so I can't eat at the same time. :)
Thanks Enough :)

My strategy for today is to stick to the timings I was using at work - a shake at 09.30 (just had a strawberry tetra), a soup at 14.30 and another soup at 19.30. I've found these spacings are the best so far.

I have caffeine-free earl grey rooibos tea, which I really like. I've never liked caffeine very much so there's no caffeine withdrawal.

The hardest part of the day is feeding my daughter at 6pm. I'm really hungry and she gets to eat a yummy meal! Yesterday she had home-made sausage and chickpea casserole but she wasn't interested so I had to make her a slice of hot buttered toast and MAN it was hard not to have some! I threw the bits she didn't eat straight in the bin so I couldn't have any. Tonight she's got chicken and broccoli couscous. And my husband's having a steak and ale pie. A pie! I love pies! But I make sure I eat my soup while he's cooking his dinner so by the time he eats it I have sated my hunger.
My flat is a mess so I would love to clean but I should really rest so I can get well quicker - I'm home with my daughter tomorrow and will need to be on form to keep her amused. Today I will distract myself with the internet and my kindle, I have a new book to read. Maybe a nap this afternoon too.
Sounds like you have a plan of action - fantastic!

I add far more water to my packs than is recommended - some people wouldn't like them as watery as I have them, but then I also add psylium husk to prevent constipation, and a bit of black pepper to soups - works for me - you'll find what works for you - I feel tetra's just go way too fast, and if I have it at home I mix them with extra water too.. or crushed ice.. and maybe a little bit of powdered ginger.. but I'm not sure that's strictly 'allowed' so ignore me :)

Enjoy your new book, enjoy resting and replenishing your energies.. once you're in ketosis you'll probably find that you have MORE energy than you do when you're eating..

all the best xxx
I made it through the day! I had to pick up my daughter from nursery early because they called to say she had a temperature. She's properly ill, bless her, so I had to pull myself together to look after her.

Giving her dinner is definitely the hardest point of my day, foodwise. The temptation is enormous. I can't believe I have to do this for months.