SW newbie


Hi I started SW last Wednesday and just weighed in! I'm quite disappointed as I lost 1lb. And I really tried! However I wasn't really using my syns! Ill change that this week and hope for a more substantial loss! I hear so many people having substantial losses in their first week! I have about 15.5 lbs to lose in 8 weeks! Is this doable!? Any tips welcome!
Thanks guys and I'm loving this forum xxxx
Hello DMC, it sounds to me like you have lost a healthy amount. If you only have 15 pounds to lose then you lost a fifteenth of what you needed to lose. When I first joined I had ten stone to lose (140 pounds) in my first week I lost 5 pounds, which is less than one fifteenth (9.3 pounds would have been a fifteenth). I hope this makes you feel better, what you have achieved is great! Also if you have dieted before you will find that some good habits stay with you, people joining when they have never dieted in their life have huge losses in their first week as its a complete overhaul to their system.

In terms of eating your syns..... Eat them and enjoy them. I have heard a lot in group of people having bigger losses when they have all or most of their syns. Don't forget to have your healthy extras too and plenty of super free and water.

I've lost 7 stone and I find I lose more having red days, in fact I tend to stay the same and have even gained if eating carbs as part of extra easy and green days.

Keep up the good work!
Wow heather! 7 stone that's amazing, well done!!
Thanks for your message it's very encouraging!
I have never actually dieted before, But I suppose the SW Plan just wasn't much of a shock to my system as I love fruit, veg & healthy food! Cheese would be my downfall so I'm sticking to my 3 babybel light a day! I've started on the scan bran too and have had 4 today! I actually like them!
I actually over syned today, so I will syn tomorrow but not too much!

Thanks again
I'm going to do more exercise this week! Although its a bank holiday here and that could be dangerous!
That's a really positive attitude to have, try not to give up just because you've gone over one day. Keep me updated with how you get on, I'll wait in anticipation for the results of your next weigh in :)
Hello :) I am in the same position! I started slimming work last Wednesday and haven't lost much. I have 4 stone to lose in total but want to lose at least 1 stone by my holiday in 8 weeks.
Good luck with your dieting :) x
I was a little bit bold twice this week. But I did loads of walking! Ill let you guys know tomorrow how the weigh in goes!! #nervous xx
Hey folks,
im Down half a pound! I suppose not bad for two nights on the beer from 5pm! An Indian, cheese board and burger! Walked 10k last night! Hoping to do the same this eve! I should really measure myself to see am I losing any inches or anything!
Hope you are all doing well!
Hi DMC, and welcome to the forum, the first week can sometimes be very good and generally it does tend to be, but that's for people who need to lose a great deal of weight (generally) if your starting from a low point there have been members on here that have lost 11lbs & one who lost 17lb in their first week!!!!! I only lost 5lb and I'm one of those people who probably should lose loads in the first week :( it's a journey we are on not a quick trip, it will soon get into a groove and then who knows what might happen ;) I have been 100% since I started at the end of January and I'm sure thats helped me have Fairly good losses so far but I know there's a long way to go yet good luck ;)
What was your second week WI like DMC?
Hello everyone,

I started the Cambridge diet on the 29th of April and in my first week I lost 11lb in the first week, however in my second week I lost just 1.1lb and got a bit discouraged and I went off the diet. I had a rethink after reading people's testimonies and I decided to return to the diet on Monday and today is my day 3.