Sweet chilli sauce

Depends what's in it, cant really say without seeing the recipe!
I have noticed a few to be honest and in the ingredients it sais sweet chilli sauce but no syns!!
I was hoping it was free :)
Im not sure what you mean - is it a recipe *for* sweet chili sauce? Or is sweet chilli sauce an ingredient for something else? If its a ready made chilli sauce you buy it will be 1 syn per 20 calories. If its a recipe *for* sweet chilli saiuce then you'd need to post a link to where you've seen it and we can tell you a bit more :)
Sorry!!it was a recipe that actually had shop bought chilli sauce in it!! I must have a look for recipe!! It's just when I looked it said free on EE
Ah right OK. Yeah shop bought stuff will usually be 1 syn per 20 calories, but if whatever recipe it is doesnt have much in it/the chilli sauce is very low anyway/it serves multiple portions then the recipe could well turn out free anyway :)
I put sweet chilli sauce on pasta sometimes (sounds weird but it's lush!) and the blue dragon one i use is 1 syn per tbsp. xxx