Switching to WW


Full Member
Hi everyone. I have been doing Slimming World for 6 weeks and have lost 4 1/2lbs. I HATE SW classes as I find them boring and I don't want to keep paying plus I keep losing some then yo yo-ing back again. I think I am eating too much.

So I am thinking of giving WW a go. I have done it before. I was thinking of joining online and then when I get to target use the Ultimate Value app to maintain. I have 4 stone to lose.

What do you think? Is it easy to do it at home? What do I fill up on if I am not to live on pasta, potatoes etc from SW ?

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Hi! I'm just doing it using an app. Iv done it enough times to know the ropes so i don't want to pay a lot for what Iv got for a couple of pounds one off!
Fruit and veg are good to fill up on as most are free! I think ww is good for portion sizes and gives you more room for treats.
Good luck x
I am also starting back on weight watchers and am doing this from home myself using an app.

I also keep a stash of Philly light in the fridge and rivitas in the cupboard. They are good if ya feeling a bit peckish and they are fairly low pp.

Good luck xxx