

synful soul
Today a girlfriend called at the house with loads of home rown vegetables. Butternut Squash, red and green peppers, tomatoes,aubergines, chillies and a huge bowl ful of figs plus that days eggs from her hens. Such riches.

We swopped for some of my nurtured and cared for plants both indoor and outdoor and cucumbers which she doesn't grow and we have in abundance. The bonus was I loved her company and the chat.

Tomorrow I am in Valencia for my annual checkup so I will not be converting the very fresh veg to soups, salsas and purees for the freezer but my Thursday is mapped out.

We had a fantastic day yesterday for my birthday which we shared with 12 good friends and ate a sumptious syn laden chinese banquet..............................

all in all a good start to the week
Sounds like a wonderful start to the week Sue. Happy birthday lovely lady. Xx

Swapping home grown stuff is such a good idea, wish more people round me grew their own cos I'd happily trade my abundant courgettes for something!!!
What is it with courgetted and cucumbers that they are so prolific. We have so many cucumbers it is ridiculous.

lots of love and hugs Jaylou xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Happy belated birthday Sue! It's mine tomorrow (the 26th).
Happy birthday sue!

Homegrown is amazing! We have a family member that grows cucumbers. I got one on Sunday - 17" :O

Made my eyes water ill tell ya! xx
Happy birthday sue!

Homegrown is amazing! We have a family member that grows cucumbers. I got one on Sunday - 17" :O

Made my eyes water ill tell ya! xx

Lol !!! well it would wouldn't it
