I have a few queries regarding setting a target and moving a target.
Basically I originally wanted to set my target at 11.1 as I thought this would be BMI 25. However I now think being a BMI 25 in the morning is good enough for me. So the first query is, can I set a target heavier than BMI 25 ? This would be 11.3 at night and clothed!
Secondly, if you drift out of target by 3lb you need to change the target to be 7 pounds different to your original target. But can this be 7lb heavier ? Why I ask is that I’ve been within 3lb of 11.10 for more than 6 months (even though I’ve not called this my target) so I know for a fact that I can maintain at this weight. So if I got to 11.3 and then realised I couldn’t maintain it there would I be able to change it to 11.10 ?
Thirdly, does anyone know how membership works when you are pregnant (not that I am yet) ? How does it work if you’re at target before falling pg and how does it work if you’re not at target when you fall pg ?
Thanks in advance
Basically I originally wanted to set my target at 11.1 as I thought this would be BMI 25. However I now think being a BMI 25 in the morning is good enough for me. So the first query is, can I set a target heavier than BMI 25 ? This would be 11.3 at night and clothed!
Secondly, if you drift out of target by 3lb you need to change the target to be 7 pounds different to your original target. But can this be 7lb heavier ? Why I ask is that I’ve been within 3lb of 11.10 for more than 6 months (even though I’ve not called this my target) so I know for a fact that I can maintain at this weight. So if I got to 11.3 and then realised I couldn’t maintain it there would I be able to change it to 11.10 ?
Thirdly, does anyone know how membership works when you are pregnant (not that I am yet) ? How does it work if you’re at target before falling pg and how does it work if you’re not at target when you fall pg ?
Thanks in advance
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