Tesco malt wheats


Gold Member
Crunchy Wholewheat malted cereal!

Does any1 know if they r free on sf?


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Are they just like shredded wheat? I can't quite tell from the picture. If so I would count them as free. I was having the morrisons own brand mini shredded wheat and now have the sainsburys ones which I will count as free. I did compare the nutritional info in the shop and there were only tiny tiny differences in calories and fibre.
They r the little tiny wheat things! Isn't shredded wheat a big rectangle thing? They r like shreddies but plain!
There not on the app! I'd count them as free if they are just plain shredded wheat!

I wish it was shreddies that was free instead of shredded wheat
What's different about shreddies to shredded wheat? I have never tried shreddies. I have pretty much hated all cereal most of my life but have gradually managed to wean myself onto weetabix, porridge and shredded wheat to the point where I don't really mind them, although in a perfect world I would still prefer toast.
Atomic pink said:
What's different about shreddies to shredded wheat? I have never tried shreddies. I have pretty much hated all cereal most of my life but have gradually managed to wean myself onto weetabix, porridge and shredded wheat to the point where I don't really mind them, although in a perfect world I would still prefer toast.

Shreddies r just little squares I don't no but I think they r made of the same thing!? U get coco shreddies and frosted shreddies
Shreddies are what nanna knits ;)
I think they should be SF
Purpled said:
Shreddies are what nanna knits ;)
I think they should be SF

Yeah I think they r! I don't see y they can't b free, prob is I'm not loosing on plan so don't really wanna cheat by pretending things r sf, except extra lean mince, I've always used that! I am thinking of having lamb as free tho! We should b getting our whole lamb and pig soon, I don't get y lamb isn't free?