the 3 snacks


Full Member
The 3 100cal snacks you can have each day do you HAVE to have them? is it better to have them because I havent so far eeeek ive just had my 2 sf a day with the 600 cal evening meal?
hiya, i'm not sure if you have to have them but why not! i'm afraid i couldn't live without them:gimi:

as the sf doesn't give out a lot of info i'm not sure if everyone has the same amount of calories no matter what their size.:confused: if you don't have enough calories then you are in danger of starvation mode which defeats the object.

even if you don't have their snacks as such could you not have fruit instead or are you just not hungry full stop?

you should get others advice on here who will know more than i do. good luck x

I normally have fruit for one snack and a salt and vinegar rice cake...just like crisps..for another.
I reckon some days I am a couple of hundred under and others a tiny bit over. I will have to cut down to 1000cals now as I looked up my basal metabolic rate and for my weight and height and sedentary lifestyle I don't even need 2000 to maintain. As Each pound of fat is worth 3500 cals it means I have to eat 7000 less than I need each week to loose 2lbs.

I could always do some exercise, but I don't drive so walk or cycle everywhere anyway and the sight of my backside in lycra frightens the children.
the sight of my backside in lycra frightens the children.

:8855: My daughter interrogates me about my belly button. She's not sure where it is... :rolleyes:

I actually just dont feel that hungry? though im drinking around 6 pints of water so maybe thats supressing it a bit