The first day of the rest of my life! :)


My inspiration below :)
:flirt2:Ok, so just started CD SS today, & I'm going to follow it 100%

At 2pm I had my first Chocolate velvet shake (suprisingly quite yummy!) - have had almost 1.75L of water at this stage. Wasn't hungry earlier, so felt no need to take anything earlier, but I know I will be later so I'm gonna do it by having a pack for lunch, dinner & supper. Does anyone know if that's ok? I know other diets are big into having a "breakfast"....

I'm suprised at how easy I'm finding drinking water - it's been so easy just sipping away at. Didn't need to go the toilet for ages either, but now, erm, the seal is broken, so to speak, lol

A little bit of history about me & how I got to here...

I was slim up until I was about 22 or 23 (bar loosing a little puppy fat round 17 or 18), then I moved into a flat with "friend" - who was just toxic, she always had to take me down, especially wen it came to my appearance. Basically she just broke me & changed me completely - I became depressed, hated myself because of the flaws she was pointing out. I comfort ate & put on about 4 stone in 2 years (bringing me til 12stone):( In time I started to feel better & lost about a stone when I discovered I was pregnant. TYPICAL! Had to move home etc. About a week after I had my son I was 11stone 2lb, I had only gained 2lb.... & it should have been plain sailing after that BUT things didn't work out with the father & I felt down again. Living with my parents & a newborn meant that the only time I had to myself was when everyone went to bed & no suprises, I ate! :( So here I am at 14stone 2lbs :cry: ....but not for much longer! I'm taking back my life!!!
Hi Angel! Welcome to CD - you've chosen a great diet to lose weight and this forum is a great place for support when you need it. :)
First day coompleted 100% - so happy!

Although there were times I felt like throwing in the towel. Truth be told I actually havent felt hungry yet, which just shows how much eating was more of a habbit & emotional comfort than anything for me!

Had the veg soup for dinner & the maple & pecan porridge for super. Have to say the porrige was great because I finally bhad some solids in my mouth! felt like heaven. Did feel a little light headed last night, but grand today. Drank almost 4litres of wtaer yesterday - because I wanted to, didnt have to force it down. The constant running to the toilet is a pain tho, especially during the night! :(

Hoping that ketosis kicks in 2moro xox
Well done! 4ltrs of water is excellent - I can barely manage 2.5-3 per day. And yes, the constant need to pee is very inconvenient - I'm told that your body adjusts, but I'm in week 3 and still visiting the loo multiple times a day and at least 2x during the night.

Good luck with ketosis!