Step 1 Sole Source The journey begins!!


New Member
Hi everyone!! Started CD tuesday so this is day 3. Not going to lie im finding it tough...:( First two days i struggled with the huge change. Particulary watching my partner and son eat normal food, also had a real bad headache, my CD consultant is brilliant and has text me lots with encouragement, and i thought today was getting better. Then i suddenley felt miserable and started missing food, i dont want to give up but also dont want to feel miserable!:cry: So i thought id try chatting on here, mainly to hear im not alone and that what i feel is similar to others?? I weigh 14st/size 18 this is my biggest weight ive been. Just want to get back to the old me that was a size 10 and happy :) , so anyone wanna buddy up with good and bad days. Starting new or been on it longer?! Ive just turnt 30 and would really like to feel confident in summer :)

J xxx
Hi there, your not alone !!! The first few days are tough !! I am a real foodie and a feeder you could say !! I found easter bank hols really hard as would have normally enjoyed several nice mesls followed by several bottles of wine! Ooooooh! BUTthis will be totally worth when we get to goal i am also 14st (was -lost 7.5lbs) this week and would like to get to 10st , i now on day 8 mixing ss+and step 2 but it is definately getting easier ! You can do it stsy positive !!
I had to get easter out of the way before i started, i even went so far as to get my partner and son to eat all the remaining chocolate before i started so as not to be tempted lol its strange because i dont actually remember how i became so over weight, i mean oviously i ate to much lol but i dont remeber thinking "these jeans feel tight?" crazy isnt it?? Well done with your first weeks weight loss, you must be really pleased with that?! I know i would be. I am actually dreading my first weigh in...ive been so good that if i dont have a good loss it will all feel for nothing :cry:
postive thinking i guess!!!

I have a wedding in september and id love to be at goal weight by then :confused: Is that too ambitious im wondering??

Hi j

Im at end of day 2 at the moment, found today quite hard as came home and the family had been shopping and bought all my fav biscuits and crisps so it was quite gutting to pass them up. Needless to say i was not in the best of moods lol
They say ketosis kicks in after day 3 so hopefully you should start feeling better then
Fingers crossed for tomorrow being slighlty easier lol
i know the feeling, my partner and son had what looked like the most amazing lunch!! And for a split second i wanted to give up, settle for how i look, but then something stopped me, and i just decided i needed to give this until at least my first weigh in, nothing like this is easy, and i suppose u
you need will power and pure determination!? My hunger pains r random, i can be fine all day and then starving before bed, or starving first thing in the morning, lol definitley the hardest diet but im sure thats becuase the results r fast and big :)

I think tomorrow will be a huge mental struggle coz im working in the pub tomorrow night, surrounded by food and then when we get our break we get a meal so think it will take all my will power to say no. Then il probably sit and havr my shake n be in another wee mini mood.
My hunger pangs have been about 4.30pm after i finish my work which is ma usual snack time / usually 2 bits of toast n cheese n a packet of crisps so last 2nights iv just went out straight from work to avoid temptation!! X