Sounds like a gadget buy Susie
Feeling fine now, arm was sore yesterday but gone by midday. Staff number 5 didn't make it to work yesterday so we really got wholloped with it. Another went yesterday for it so will be curious to see how they are today and then about 6 to go today so tomorrow could be a quiet day at work.
So (a sentence is more important when it starts with so
), I don't know if I was feeling sorry for myself, or feeling rebellious, or feeling bored with food but went totally off the rails yesterday. I put it down to the slice of toast I had at breakfast. Once I start with carbs I stay with carbs all day. One slice of toast for breakfast, then someone at work made scones so had one with butter and jam at 11. Had a pumpkin cottage pie for lunch but only ate half of it. That didn't stop me though eating a chocolate brownie that someone else at work had made. Came home and had chips and an egg and a slice of bread for dinner. Then I told my husband I was going to open his wine and drink it all...and I did, the whole bottle.
And it felt great.
I know it wasn't the right thing to do and I know my body and weight could do without it but I felt I needed it for my sanity. Done now and moving on.
I have the rest of the cottage pie for today's lunch. I have some cracottes and cheese too. Will have it early at my desk if I can and then do the shopping at lunchtime, running low on essentials avocados, ham and eggs. I also need to get some dark chocolate, at least last week I moved from salted caramel to chilli chocolate, it has to be lower in sugar, tastes as good and fulfills and lusciousness cravings I get.
I'm not going to jiggle or cycle or even walk today and possibly tomorrow as my body is just saying no. Will be back on track on Saturday.
And so ends this week's confession