Tired of failing want to try something new.Help!


New Member
Hey guys, I'm new here. I started my last diet in June( weight watchers) and it just isn't coming off they way it did with previous diets.

I'm just tired of losing it, and even having to think about food anymore. Seems like I've been dealing with this all my life. And I have lost weight on the WW, but I feel stuck at 203. I don't know if I should get a trainer or buy a video series like p90x. Any suggestions would be so helpful.

Lately I've been looking into something called metabolic training and I've looked at websites like metaboliceffect and shreddingpounds. If you guys know about these sites let me know what you think. Or if you have a program I can do for the long haul let me know. Thanks in advance for any help.:D
have a look at low carbing, have a good read at the atkins section on here. read the success stories, the comments on how people feel when on this diet, the sustainability of it.
it may not be for you, but it just might be!
sorry for barging in

i feel a failure because i can't lose weight. i lost weight 2 before but both times put it back on

good luck to you
I have lost weight doing low-carb before as well -- my dad has had a LOT of success with it. The most success I had was when I started cutting out sugar, starches, corn syrups, saturated fats, and added in more veggies, whole grains, fiber, protein and "good" fats. That + regular vigorous exercise works best for me.

I haven't heard of those other two programs you mentioned, but just the names sound intense! I got a short look at the metabolic effect, and the photos seem to indicate that weight lifting and strength training is the main idea for exercise. Building muscle is the best way to increase metabolism and it's an extremely effective way to burn fat, but keep in mind that you may not lose as much weight because muscle is heavier than fat per square unit (a pound of fat takes up about 66% more space than a pound of muscle). You would lose fat, though, and that is what we're going for! :D

I do suggest lifting weights regardless of whatever diet you're on because of how GOOD it is for you. :) Don't strain yourself trying to lift more than what is safe, of course.

I've rambled on too long. I don't know everything! Good luck with whatever you choose. You can do it! :welcome:
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Like you said you've been on a diet all your life, what you need is something which can fit in with your daily life forever.

You can't expect to lose weight on 'x' plan then keep the weight off when you go back to your old eating habbits.

Take a look at all the weight loss diaries on here, read the sucess stories & see which you honestly feel could fit in your life.

Whichever plan you chose you know there are many people here to help you.

Good luck;)