

Full Member
Hi, I'm on day 11 TS, and I am so tired! :sigh: anyone else like this? I go to bed early, but I'm still tired. I'm sitting here now and I could easily go to bed for a few hours.

I keep waiting for these surges of energy that other people have, but it's not happening for me :(

Anyone else the same?
I did feel tired during the first week, but by Day 8, that was all gone and I felt pretty energetic. I'm on Day 16 now and feel good. If I did feel really tired in the afternoon, I'd pop into bed for a thirty minute nap - there's nothing wrong with that. Maybe your body is simply telling you that it needs a bit more rest, so take it easy and rest a little more until that fatigue goes. Soon, you'll feel full of energy.
Well if I could get someone to mind the 3 kids I'd be in bed in a flash :p

After writing that post i dropped my eldest to plyaschool (she goes in the afternoon) then came back and washed my windows :eek: and cut the grass on the front (even tho it's winter:confused:) Hope I haven't killed the lawn!

So maybe I had more energy than i thought :p
funny you saying that ive felt full of energy up tii today which is day 8 and IBS really getting bad lots of runs to the bathroom!!!! Anyone else had that prob? Plus sticks still saying not in ketosis so im taking advice and throwing them in the bin!!
Last time I did a VLCD I lasted 12 weeks before getting yanked off by my GP and in that time I fluctuated quite drastically from being really lethargic and not wanting to get out of bed to being practically manic - my house had never been cleaner :D

I think it's all individual, but from my experience it comes in waves and this time is proving no exception for me. 9 days in and two days ago I nearly fell asleep at work and then today I was like a really obnoxious Engergizer bunny all day!

Hang in there and hopefully you'll get those energy spurts coming thick and fast!

Im on day 3, its not been bad so far. I've felt OK and not tired. Im nightshifter and if there's an issue with tiredness I feel it right away, I also take well woman caps. I know that symptoms of ketosis can include tiredness - this could be the cause?
lauriel i work night shift as well but have timed it well as on hols when stared this but back tomorrow but feel back to normal today maybe your right about the ketosis bit i hope so!!!!
I checked it out, tiredness is definitely a key symptom of ketosis. I've had the nasty metallic taste in my mouth for a few days and today I couldn't drag my arse out of bed as I was soooo tired! I am at work atm, and feel alright. So hopefully that's my tired blip out of the way! Glad you're feeling OK again, it gets easier once these first few days are out of the way! :D x