TMI ????


Full Member
Quick question,

I have been looking around and in one forum they say that having the food bars regularly tends to give people ermmmm

WIND :eek:;)

i have had 2 lemon bars so far this week and thats all i had ordered, and im just getting my next order ready and would like to order more bars as they are handy when im working for breakfast

anyone found that regular eating of bars has this side effect...?

i know we are all different but with another VLCD bar its very common, at least from the threads lol x

any info will be great appreciated
Glad to say this hasn't been a problem for me and I have a bar almost every day.
It's hard to say if it's the bars. I have them only in work but in general I've been windier than usual since beginning the VLCD! (And regular as clockwork thanks to the vast amounts of water necked each day)!!! TMI + 2? Well, you started it!! :)
Well, I have a bar a day without fail and I found my wind has decreased! Seriously, I'm usually a farty old fart on my usual crap diet but since starting I'm pleasantly suprised!:479:
MiniM that's my experience too :). Less wind, less no. 2s, and even then only with the help of Pico Perles! I have a bar a day without fail. My daily choc fix!
Oooh, whats pico perles?? I had a little, ahem, trouble for four days so I took a senna tab which was like a weight off :hide: then after that, phew, been ok but far less often! I think the fact that I drink no fizzy pop is helping the old wind issue, I used to drink 2-3 liters a day! And burp up a storm!
Pico Perles are Dulcolax Pico Perles. Take a couple before bedtime and relief before morning shake. Well actually I take them at about 5pm as I do not want to get caught out on the way to work! Senna doesn't work for me but the Pico Perles are obviously stronger. I find the normal Dulcolax too strong and give me bad stomach cramps but the Pico Perles are ok. I take them a couple of times a week to keep things moving :)
Thanks, I'll keep that in mind! I just got Boots brand senna and took one instead of two and seemed to work, but that was week one who knows how I'll be by week 12!!!
Senna used to work for me last time I did a VLCD but this time it has no effect!
I don't seem to have that problem, not if only I could switch off the need to pee throughout the night. Coming up to 6pm here....almost my shut down the water tap hour.
Well I think I'll order load and see x

I must admit that with the small chicken meal and veggies I haven't had any toileting issues long may that continue x but if it doesn't then I'll know what to look for x
I was a little windy when I first started the diet but back to normal now. I eat the bars every day as well.