Attack Tomorrow menu first day


Gold Member
Brekkie: turkey steak with egg scrambled with skimmed milk

Lunch: salmon steak with fat free cottage cheese

Dinner: gelatte with chicken breast

Water 1.5 ltrs

Is this ok? Any advice

Also can I have sugar free chewing gum on attack x

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Hi LM yes it all sounds very nice, I love salmon. yes to the gum, I do find if I have to much in the day it seems to make me visit the loo LOL.

have a look on here for recipes, also worth having a look on google.

Only thing you haven't included is your oatbran. You must have 1.5tbsp of oatbran every day in attack and 2 tbsp during cruise. I use mine mainly for porridge at breakfast.

1.5tbsp oatbran
milk to cover the oatbran, averages about 90ml
sweetner to taste

Microwave for 1 min, stir and micro again for about 30 secs (mine is 900w though). i leave it to stand for about 5 mins (usually doing pack up at this point) and then it thickens up lovely. You can also have FF LF yogurt. I used to buy asda smart price at 55p, have about 120ml with 1tsp of sweetner and few drops of flavourings. With a coffee, its a filling breakfast.

Some of the ladies on here, and occasionally me, make muffins with the oatbran and have them throughout the day.

I buy my OB from Holland and Barratt, medium or fine is ok.

Dopey me just realised you having your galette with the oatbran, sorry, I like them. When you fry it, do it slowly and make sure sides aren't sticking too much. Takes a few mins to cook, but it means its easier to turn as some of the top has already cooked as well.