Took me long enough

Yoyo yaya

Full Member
Well, it’s only taken me till week 25 to actually get round to writing on this thread but time to admit that this time I am actually sticking to it and it really is working. I did full on TS for the first 12 weeks, no cheats or deviations and then had one night off. Three weeks later of TS another night off then after another three weeks did have a weeks holiday in Mallorca but didn’t go too mad. Have also had a 4 day trip to Budapest with work and a few more planned nights out and although slowing down a bit and not being 100% TS am now on week 25 and at weigh in this morning am down 6 stone 12 lbs. so less than 2 stone to goal. It actually feels different this time because I am making much better choices and not being all or nothing.
My favourite meals have changed throughout...started off obsessed with the pasta carbonara, then the Pizza and now the noodles. Always favoured the double choc bar but really like all but the chocolate crispy as too salty for me. And now love the lemon pancakes...although my love for syrup porridge is still going strong.
I have found for me the best method for packs is one at lunchtime and two in the evening. I also love my water and drink my 2-3litres of still water throughout the day but so love a litre of sparkling water in a big gin glass with ice in the evening.
I am a Diet Coke addict but now have limited myself to one can of flavoured Coke Zero a day as my lunch or afternoon treat and force myself to have a green tea or two when I can.
I also have 2 huge dogs who ensure I go for a 40 minute walk every day....we now tackle much more rough and hilly terrain as I am not so out of breath anymore, so I do get that heart rate up every day.
I did have a lot to lose so that definitely made it go a bit faster but it is true that if you stick to it it tricks or shortcuts but you won’t find another diet where you can lose this much as quickly and feel so good doing it.
I am down from a size 24 to a 14 on the bottom and a small 16 on the top and am feeling fab.
Wow, long making up for lost time 😂😂
Love the support on his site and some great folks to give you advice and cheer you on or cheer you up. None of us are perfect and we all deal with our journey the best we can, but a helping hand a wise word can make a big difference on a bad day.
Thank you Exante. 👍😘
Wow, just have done amazingly well, and in such a short time :classic_smile:

I am absolutely delighted for you, well done!! :thankyouthankyou::winner::0clapper:
So time for before and after photo...first one was taken by my daughter .....I had managed to avoid photos as much as possible but this one is particularly unflattering...Second photo
taken last night.....excuse messy bedroom 😜 difference is 6 stone 12lb


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Been quiet as been so busy with work trip to Budapest, cheeky weekend away in Glasgow and a few nights out but the good news is I managed to maintain the whole month and at weigh in yesterday am exactly the same weight. This is really good for me as I tend to be an all or nothing person and really don’t want to gain and lose like a yo yo for the rest of my life so if I can find a balance I will be happy. Kind of managed by doing a variation of the 5:2 and avoiding carbs, well anything that is white processed and baked😂😂 . Have a couple more big events then am going to refocus for the last 23lbs ....would love to be at goal for Christmas as have a dress’s I would love to get in for a fancy do. Can’t believe it has now been 7 full months since I started but feel great and love not worrying about the heat the chaffing thighs and being able to just walk into a shop and try on anything on the racks. Hope your journeys are going well x
Hi YoyoYaya. I've just come back to Minimins. Good to meet you and read yr success.

Congratulations on maintaining. Good luck with the next bit.
Can’t believe another month has gone by, just feels like a whirl of work, parties, charity events and life in general. Am on a total plateau as was at Doctors this week got weighed and yep....still 14st 6lb....mind you this was at 4:30 pm and fully clothed,,,,not how I normally weigh myself😂😂( naked straight after a pee first thing in the morning and facing north)😂😂 so maintenance is going really well, as can’t seem to face going back on TS just yet.
Was nice though when the doctor said how well I had done and to keep going as I mus5 be doing something right.
Find I do really good all week then enjoy the weekends off at all my events. Was planning a blitz before Christmas to get in a dress I haven’t worn in years so need to start planning. I still enjoy my packs, just supplement them a bit. Hope your journeys are going well.
That's awesome! Well done!

We've got low carb/keto recipe thread over on the new keto group here. So do come over and share any recipes you recommend.
Well, it’s only taken me till week 25 to actually get round to writing on this thread but time to admit that this time I am actually sticking to it and it really is working. I did full on TS for the first 12 weeks, no cheats or deviations and then had one night off. Three weeks later of TS another night off then after another three weeks did have a weeks holiday in Mallorca but didn’t go too mad. Have also had a 4 day trip to Budapest with work and a few more planned nights out and although slowing down a bit and not being 100% TS am now on week 25 and at weigh in this morning am down 6 stone 12 lbs. so less than 2 stone to goal. It actually feels different this time because I am making much better choices and not being all or nothing.
My favourite meals have changed throughout...started off obsessed with the pasta carbonara, then the Pizza and now the noodles. Always favoured the double choc bar but really like all but the chocolate crispy as too salty for me. And now love the lemon pancakes...although my love for syrup porridge is still going strong.
I have found for me the best method for packs is one at lunchtime and two in the evening. I also love my water and drink my 2-3litres of still water throughout the day but so love a litre of sparkling water in a big gin glass with ice in the evening.
I am a Diet Coke addict but now have limited myself to one can of flavoured Coke Zero a day as my lunch or afternoon treat and force myself to have a green tea or two when I can.
I also have 2 huge dogs who ensure I go for a 40 minute walk every day....we now tackle much more rough and hilly terrain as I am not so out of breath anymore, so I do get that heart rate up every day.
I did have a lot to lose so that definitely made it go a bit faster but it is true that if you stick to it it tricks or shortcuts but you won’t find another diet where you can lose this much as quickly and feel so good doing it.
I am down from a size 24 to a 14 on the bottom and a small 16 on the top and am feeling fab.
Wow, long making up for lost time 😂😂
Love the support on his site and some great folks to give you advice and cheer you on or cheer you up. None of us are perfect and we all deal with our journey the best we can, but a helping hand a wise word can make a big difference on a bad day.
Thank you Exante. 👍😘
Wow, that’s amazing! Well done at being so disciplined about it. What an inspiration you are.