Hi Guys
Has anyone gone from TS to WS and lost weight still in that first week?
Reason I ask is up til last weekend I had been 100% TS since 3rd Jan....started to feel a little giddy (as skipped aam week) so decided even though would still like to lose 2 stone I would go with WS to shift it.
Anyway, my first official weigh day is Tomorrow for my first week of doing WS, had a sneaky peek and I've put on weight!! GUTTED!!!! All I've had is my 3 packs a day and no more than 300-350 cals 0f protein and a smidge of green salad. Why have I put on??
I'm so fed up, I was always planning to go WS to shift the last of my weight and now I'm worried that the only way it's gonna work is to stay TS for the rest of the time.
Does it take a while to settle between the 2 plans??
Am I jumping the gun and panicking too soon??
Shall I give it another week of WS...
I really don't know what to do :cry:
FB xx
Has anyone gone from TS to WS and lost weight still in that first week?
Reason I ask is up til last weekend I had been 100% TS since 3rd Jan....started to feel a little giddy (as skipped aam week) so decided even though would still like to lose 2 stone I would go with WS to shift it.
Anyway, my first official weigh day is Tomorrow for my first week of doing WS, had a sneaky peek and I've put on weight!! GUTTED!!!! All I've had is my 3 packs a day and no more than 300-350 cals 0f protein and a smidge of green salad. Why have I put on??
I'm so fed up, I was always planning to go WS to shift the last of my weight and now I'm worried that the only way it's gonna work is to stay TS for the rest of the time.
Does it take a while to settle between the 2 plans??
Am I jumping the gun and panicking too soon??
Shall I give it another week of WS...
I really don't know what to do :cry:
FB xx