two chicken questions...


Gold Member
Hi everyone, what is best way to cool whole chicken sw way? Also best way to make soup with left overs? Would like to get as much use out chicken as I can as best for budget. Thanks in advance...
Hi Deptin.
Keep all the bones from the chicken to make the chicken soup stock, put in a large pot with water and a chopped onion, cook for several hours to remove all the meat from the bones and reduce down, pass through a fine sieve and then use that for the basis of your soup. If you put chicken into the search box you should find everything you need to know about cooking a chicken the SW way!
Get yourself a slow cooker! Bung the chicken in on low for 6-8 hours and you have a perfect chicken. Take off the breasts and legs then pick it clean. You'll have enough meat for several dishes and as said you can use the carcass to make stock.