I will be a Princess!
Hi all,
I don't think anyone's going ot be able to help me with this, but it's nice to be able to 'talk' to somebody - I don't really have many girl friends here to talk to. This may not make a huge amount of sense as I will probably end up rambling, but I hope you can catch the jist of it.
Some of you may remember me mentioning a while ago a certain barman who was giving me butterflies in my stomach. He's always been quite flirtatious...long lingering glances and joining me for a few drinks after his shift finished. Now a big part of me has always hoped that he may like me, but the sensible side of me had decided he was just being nice and charming. There's also been a major thorn in the ointment - he's seeing somebody else
Despite this he escorts me home on a Sunday night, and he always wants a hug before he goes home.
On Sunday evening (the night he works) I decided that, as I'm breaking up for the summer holidays on Friday and going away for six weeks, it was time to bite the bullet - or at least to try making my feelings a little clearer to him to see if he felt even slightly the same way. Sorry...this is probably boring you all now
Also, please don't judge me for trying to flirt with him - I know he's got a girlfriend, and while he's with her I'd never act on my feelings anyway.
So anyways...we both spent the evening being outrageously flirtatious with each other, and he came round to sit with me after his shift finished as usual. We were chatting for a bit then I told him that I was really going to miss him over the summer, to which his response was "if only I was single" - now I don't think I'm getting the wrong end of the stick here when I take that as being some sort of statement of how he actually feels?
As he always does he walked me home, holding me around the waist to stop me breaking my ankle in my shoes...they were rather high!
When we got back to my house he asked me for my phone number - he said he could text me and be really explicit! 
I had to pick my jaw up off the floor after that comment!
He wouldn't give me his number though - I guess I can understand that as he has a girlfriend, but I now have to sit and wait to see if he texts, like some sad sap! :cry: Was he just trying to taunt me by taking my number, but not giving me his? Maybe I scared him off by giving him a peck on the cheek when he hugged me :sigh:
I guess I should just forget about him :sigh: His girlfriend has serious mental health problems, so maybe he just sees me as a slice of 'normality' and doesn't really like me that way. I don't know. I've always been absolutely rubbish at reading signs - so even though I'd like to think he fancies me, a more than small part of me thinks that I'm just a get out clause for him, which isn't something I want to be. All I know is that we get on really well - we both like similar things, we can chat for ages without noticing time go by, and we can even walk together in silence without things being awkward.
I don't really know if anybody's going to be able to give me any insight. In a way I'm happy that I tried to make my feelings known, and didn't get rejected - and I do think he has feelings for me. Maybe having 6 weeks apart from each other will give us both time to think about things. Either that or it's going to drive me to distraction!
Sorry for this rambling tome. Just ignore me
Sian xx
I don't think anyone's going ot be able to help me with this, but it's nice to be able to 'talk' to somebody - I don't really have many girl friends here to talk to. This may not make a huge amount of sense as I will probably end up rambling, but I hope you can catch the jist of it.
Some of you may remember me mentioning a while ago a certain barman who was giving me butterflies in my stomach. He's always been quite flirtatious...long lingering glances and joining me for a few drinks after his shift finished. Now a big part of me has always hoped that he may like me, but the sensible side of me had decided he was just being nice and charming. There's also been a major thorn in the ointment - he's seeing somebody else
On Sunday evening (the night he works) I decided that, as I'm breaking up for the summer holidays on Friday and going away for six weeks, it was time to bite the bullet - or at least to try making my feelings a little clearer to him to see if he felt even slightly the same way. Sorry...this is probably boring you all now
So anyways...we both spent the evening being outrageously flirtatious with each other, and he came round to sit with me after his shift finished as usual. We were chatting for a bit then I told him that I was really going to miss him over the summer, to which his response was "if only I was single" - now I don't think I'm getting the wrong end of the stick here when I take that as being some sort of statement of how he actually feels?
As he always does he walked me home, holding me around the waist to stop me breaking my ankle in my shoes...they were rather high!
I guess I should just forget about him :sigh: His girlfriend has serious mental health problems, so maybe he just sees me as a slice of 'normality' and doesn't really like me that way. I don't know. I've always been absolutely rubbish at reading signs - so even though I'd like to think he fancies me, a more than small part of me thinks that I'm just a get out clause for him, which isn't something I want to be. All I know is that we get on really well - we both like similar things, we can chat for ages without noticing time go by, and we can even walk together in silence without things being awkward.
I don't really know if anybody's going to be able to give me any insight. In a way I'm happy that I tried to make my feelings known, and didn't get rejected - and I do think he has feelings for me. Maybe having 6 weeks apart from each other will give us both time to think about things. Either that or it's going to drive me to distraction!
Sorry for this rambling tome. Just ignore me
Sian xx