Using my syns on extra breakfast?!?


Full Member
hello :) well i normally do extra easy 3 days a week and red 4 days a week. on extra easy i know you can only have one HEA and HEB. i have been using my syns on having a double breakfast on these days. i have two weetabix with milk but been using my syns on having another 2 weetabix. is this ok to do and would it affect my weigh loss. on the red day i have the double weetabix within my HEB options. i dont have it everyday but prob 5 times a week? but having 4 weetabix 4 days a week bad and too much :confused: xxx
No I do this aswell but have mine at night. as long as you use your syns it doesnt matter what you use them for. I have an extra bowl of cereal with a Muller light on top. Usually toffe then it takes my sweet craving away
Its up to you if you what you want to use your syns on, if you want to use them on extra weetabix then go for it. I have been knowing to have weetabix as HEb for brekkie and then have another 2 at night as syns.
Thank you feel better now :) ooh i might do that have some at night instead of all in one go i just love weetabix! i find it fills me up better than any other breakfast lol! xxx