using packs of LL at the same time as S&S....?


A sucker for a key change
Hi, I'm new to this section of mm as I am considering trying S&S. A friend has offered me some unwanted LL packs and I wondered if I could use both types at the same time or should I use up the LL ones first...? Thanks in anticipation xx
I did, swapped from LL after a few weeks and used both for a while. However, S&S are so much nicer so the remaining LL packs soon got relegated to the back of the cupboard!
You can use both LL and SnS packs interchangeably as they are both 4 pack a day plans. Things are more complex when looking to mix a 3 pack a day (such as CD) with a 4 pack a day plan - but you don't need to worry about that! I did LL all the way through but substituting a number of the packs with SnS ones to give me more choice.