Vegetables in CRUISE...


Gold Member
I'm not sure if my Dukan book is a new revised one but the list of veg I can have in CRUISE is quite small!

Can anyone enlighten me?!
I realise I can't have high carbed veg but veg like cauliflower and broccoli aren't even on the list.
Not too bothered at the moment as I am taking a packed lunch to work this week so its probably going to be salads for now but I would like something hot come the weekend.


I ate tons of broccoli and cauliflower on cruise!!! The ones you can't have are sweetcorn, peas, potatoes, avocado, broad beans, dried beans, lentils - you CAN eat loads of others such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, courgette, French beans, leeks, mushrooms, onions, pepper, squash, swede, fennel, asparagus, artichoke, celery, marrow, spinach,tomato!!! Carrots and beetroot are classed as tolerated so I would have very little of those two and avoid if possible. Hope this helps :)