Vegetarian HExA choices?


I'm new to this and really struggling to get a HExA every day. I'm a vegetarian, and it all seems to be milk and cheese. I am not really in the habit of having milk or cheese every day. Some days I don't have any dairy at all, and often if I have milk it's less than the 250mls of Semi-skimmed that its meant to be, so I am kind of missing out on my HExAs.

Are there any other things I can use as a HExA other than milk and cheese, could yogurt count (I could easily fit in a yogurt as an afternoon snack ;)) or maybe margarine or butter? I'm really worried about missing them as I've heard conflicting opinions about whether missing HExs will affect weight loss and I don't want to risk it.

Thanks in advance for any help :)
They are all milk and cheese because the HEA is for calcium. While you do not have to use them, they are there to ensure you get a healthy balanced diet and calcium is especially important for women. You can't use marg or butter because they are fats not dairy. And you get most fat free yoghurts as syn free foods anyway. There are lots of vegetarian cheeses available (all the ones I have are veggie friendly) and the list includes cheese spreads, slices that could be used on a burger, and soft cheese like philadelphia. Surely there is something on the very long list that you like? And as for milk you could have rice pudding, a smoothie (syn the fruit) or what about a hot chocolate? If you don't want the full amount of milk why not split your HE and go half milk/half cheese? Even if you were vegan there would be options available :)
Aha I didn't realise I could split it. I will try harder to eat my cheese and drink my milk. Thanks a lot :)