

Hi Guys,

I was wondering if anyone can give me a hand? Last night at group my consultant said a single vodka is 4 syns.

However on the app it lists a 25ml Vodka which is a single measure as 2.5 syns. And is how I've been counting them previously. My consultant said they'd recently changed but surely the app would show the change?

Thanks in advance,

I think its because pubs sell in bigger measures now - I'll have a look and come back to you
Just been on the sw website. 25ml is 2.5 and 35ml is 4. If you're measuring at home its fine but the pubs will differ. I'm off to check my measure now!!
Thats great, thank you.

I did wonder if that was the case however I had a look on Thursday and the bar I was in served singles as 25ml. Maybe it depends on the bar?
Yes it will - decent vodka tends to get served in the smaller measures. I'm glad you asked as I just checked my measure and my single is only 20ml and double is 45ml. I'm not tight at home but like to measure the spirits so it always tastes nice! (And I can control my syns and hangover better)
The pub I work in does 25ml singles & 50ml doubles. We're just a standard (slightly blokey) pub. I think most places do 25ml measures because it works out cheaper for the bar!