Extra Easy Walden farms products


Hi all, this is my first post so be gentle . Just wondering if any of you have tried Walden Farms products? They are calorie, fat & sugar free! Not sure if they'd be free on plan or if they taste ok? I'm at target & want to try bringing in some more flavour. Thanks in advance x
Hi :)

there was a post on these before. I'll try and find it for you.
walden farms reviews

and see what other people think. A mixed bag, but nothing which would persuade me to buy any of their products.

One review, on a website called weightymatters, made me laugh out loud!
I don't think their products will do any harm, although some of them seem quite high in salt, but SW is about enjoying your food and I can't honestly see any enjoyment in them.
Hi I have just come across this thread & I have tried some of the walden farms products and was really impressed with the pancake syrup. Tastes exactly like maple syrup! Would not recommend the chocolate one to anyone though. I don't even know what that tastes like!