Attack wanting it bad. But not bad enough to do it


Silver Member
so I'm back.
Dukan was a success last year. Lasted 6 weeks and lost a stone.
Got cocky put it back on.

I weigh more now then I did when I first started.

Did my first day of attack yesterday. Only lost 0.8lb when I weighed this morn (last time I lost 1.8 in first day!)
So today I ate eggs, then cookies, then sandwich, crisps, apple and topped it off with Domino's this evening.

I guess I will start day 1 again tomorrow.
But I hav a work meal of 3 courses and unlimited wine tuesday. So then I'll start again weds. And so on and so forth.

I do want this. None of my clothes fit and I was a fat bridesmaid at the end of August which I didn't want to be and wasn't supposed to be.
I turn 25 in 4 months. I do not want the second quarter of my life to be full of cake and despair.

Nice to rant tbh.
I think you're looking at it the wrong way.
"Oh I'll just have road blocks so I'll start when there's nothing going on" is the kiss of death on the Dukan.
There will always be stuff going on. You'll have a birthday next week or a work do or a bad day and that's ok. Road blocks happen and you just have to accept them and move on. Sure you're gonna do a little bit of damage, but imagine what happens if you're not on the Dukan? Imagine the damage then!

So the long and the short of it is that my advice would be to go on the Dukan ASAP and just treat the work do as a celebration meal and then back on the Dukan the next day. And if you've cheated once in a day, don't see it as an excuse to continue to cheat that day. Have the doughnut if you really feel you need it and then eat the Dukan way for the rest of the day. Two wrongs don't make a right!

And good luck!
This is supposed to be something that makes you happier :)
Just what I needed to hear this morning! Thank you so much.
You're right! I'm a bit of a catastrophist to be honest- so if something doesn't go according to plan then its the end of the world. AKA eat your body weight in fatty treats.
I'm really shocked that the scale went down 0.8 this morning!!!
Right- I've got some eggs to eat.

Thank you and have a wonderful day!!!
Good luck Kimberley xx don't get too hung up with the scales - they can be your best friend but also your worst enemy - they can mess with your mind and put you off track!! If you stick to it it will come off - and believe me the longer you are on it the easier it is to say no to "naughties!!" - I did cruise for a year and by the end of that year I no longer craved crappy foods!! I got more excited about thinking about fruit I could have on conso!! Sad I know but true!!! Stick with it - just think what you could have lost by Xmas xx :)
See?! Totally on your way already!
It's amazing how many ways we can talk ourselves out of things that we really want. We just have to stay positive. I've had a massive slip in the last week but hopefully back on track tomorrow. I'm actually looking forward to it if I'm honest.
One day at a time and all that :) Pleased it was a good morning message and thank you so much for the rep comment, I really appreciate it.
I managed to pick my attack stage quite cleverly and still hit a problem ( a cold!) so it's always a bad time. Even just doing 5 days kick started me back to healthy eating.