My neighbour's mobile tipped out of his shirt pocket, straight down the loo. He's a retired church minister, and even divine intervention couldn't resurrect his!
Irene I did the same
I blow dried it for a while then put it in the airing cupboard - tried it every day
gave up all hope on day four bought a cheap one and now 9 months later DH is still using the nice clean one that started working on day five
take it apart i.e battery sim card etc lay it in between a towel and leave for rest of day i have done this numerous times and always worked again .... unless its a touch screen then it prob wont
I think you'll have best chance with airing cupboard. A guy knocked a pint over mine in a pub once and it went off for ages. Put it in airing cupboard and after AGES it worked again...think it had a hangover x