Its not quite what you think... I know we all need the loo more often hahaha BUT has anyone had problems with the shaker? I usually fill it up with water each time I need more so I can keep an eye on how much I'm drinking... but when I go to drink it, I've lost some down my front!!! LOL I try really hard to make sure the lid is tight enough but I still have the problem at least once a day Is it just me??
you checked that the top has threaded correctly? sometimes it doesnt screw on right despite how tight you put it causin leaks. If it misthreads thats what it does. good way to test it is suck on the openin and if it makes a sorta hissin noise like its pullin air through you know the lid isnt on properly
lol thanks foo.... I do check the thread of it... I'm just surprised it doesnt work very well every time. Even when I think the thread is right... I dont realise it's not till I leak water!!! Will try the suck test LOL
Haha, i too have a dribble!
It's not just on the LT shaker either, i've one my fella used for protein shakes and that does the same thing. I've been poring mine into a glass instead.