Pork can be quite low fat, you just need to choose the correct cut
I am allowing myself slight leeway however with the meat thing - I work in a delicatessen (WORST IDEA EVER WHEN TRYING TO DIET) so avoiding totally low fat meat can be a nightmare for me, I am trying to bring my own food as much as possible though.
Anyway, I lost another pound today, however, I weighed myself in my parents house and I think those scales are almost always kinder...
But yesterday I had:
3 turkey rashers
1 egg
Chilli and garlic chicken
Some random meat - ham, turkey from the deli
Peeing a lot - I already did that before starting this diet, its amazing, I didn't know I could get worse :/
Not hungry at all nor craving carbohydrates.
Unsure when to stop attack? I may stop after tomorrow and move onto Cruise. However, I also have a big uni presentation on Wednesday so I may continue on attack til Wednesday and then allow myself some vegetables as a nice wee motivator.