
miss vlcd38

Silver Member
Ive never done ww before and ive signed up online memebership and ive been given a daily amount of points and a weeklies.

Now im struggling to have all my daily ones as veg and fruit are free and before I started ww I was eating barely one meal a day. So now im eating 3 healthy meals a day.

So I guess my question here is do we have to eat the weeklies as well???

Or are they there incase we have a special occasion? ?

Im a slow loser anyway and ive a thyroid problem. So didnt want to slow my weight loss down.
Ive never done ww before and ive signed up online memebership and ive been given a daily amount of points and a weeklies.

Now im struggling to have all my daily ones as veg and fruit are free and before I started ww I was eating barely one meal a day. So now im eating 3 healthy meals a day.

So I guess my question here is do we have to eat the weeklies as well???

Or are they there incase we have a special occasion? ?

Im a slow loser anyway and ive a thyroid problem. So didnt want to slow my weight loss down.

Weeklies are Personal Preference, some of us find we lose More, the More we eat (Within the Allowance) but others find they do better using only a handful of weeklies. It's a case or Trial n Error..Me? My 2 Smallest Losses were when I used 0 Weeklies, once I started using them, the Losses increased! X Whatever you do, make sure you don't go under your Dailies, those HAVE to be used. X
Im the same as Serena i find i lose more when i use most of my weeklies but you will just have to see what works for you try using them one week and not another and see how your weight loss it, def use all your dailies though if you find you are having trouble using them maybe try full fat products or eat some nuts etc to bring up your propoints. I always have a little treat for myself in the evenings with any points i have left over. I find if i do this i am less likely to binge as dont feel deprived. Good luck x
I shall defo make the effort to have all my points. Ive bought a higher point value tea for tonight. Oh hang in its only 7 thought it was 9. Oh well it sounds delish mango chicken yummy.

Also does my point allowance drop as I lose weight??
I shall defo make the effort to have all my points. Ive bought a higher point value tea for tonight. Oh hang in its only 7 thought it was 9. Oh well it sounds delish mango chicken yummy.

Also does my point allowance drop as I lose weight??

I think it drops as you go into next Stone Bracket? But you'll never go below 26pp, I started on 26 so have always had that.x
Ok thats not too bad then im allowed 29 at mo. Ive put my food in the tracker for today and ive got 9 points of treats to have later.

26 is ok at least thats not drastically low.will my weeklies drop as well ??
Ok thats not too bad then im allowed 29 at mo. Ive put my food in the tracker for today and ive got 9 points of treats to have later.

26 is ok at least thats not drastically low.will my weeklies drop as well ??

Nope, Weeklies always stay at 49. X mmmmmm 9pp of Treats, Yummy!!! X
So basically when I go over my daily allowance thats when it comes out of my weekly one
Ok thats good. Ive made sure ive had all my dailies today. So will use some of the weeklies on a few vodkas at the weekend :)
Ok thats good. Ive made sure ive had all my dailies today. So will use some of the weeklies on a few vodkas at the weekend :)

Yey :) Thats good news about Dailies and Weeklies Usage sounds fun, who says diets are boring ;-) x
i have to say so far im finding this diet easy, maybe it helped that i was only eating 1 meal a day sometimes not even that as no time and i was grabbing crap to eat on the go a cookie here packet of crisps there.

this weekend bf (who is a feeder but in a nice way likes to take me out spoil me) said about frankie and bennys on friday our usual place for breakfast and then went on to say he wants to order us a curry in on saturday.

sooo i need to find the propoints of the breakfast menu for frankie and bennys. Ive been out and bought a ww tikka curry and rice that i will have and shall point a naan bread or popodoms.

I rather get organised so that i can stay on plan
i have to say so far im finding this diet easy, maybe it helped that i was only eating 1 meal a day sometimes not even that as no time and i was grabbing crap to eat on the go a cookie here packet of crisps there.

this weekend bf (who is a feeder but in a nice way likes to take me out spoil me) said about frankie and bennys on friday our usual place for breakfast and then went on to say he wants to order us a curry in on saturday.

sooo i need to find the propoints of the breakfast menu for frankie and bennys. Ive been out and bought a ww tikka curry and rice that i will have and shall point a naan bread or popodoms.

I rather get organised so that i can stay on plan

Great Planning with the Curry :) Unfortunately the F&B Breakfast Menu isn't in the Eat Out Guide :-( No idea how you would PP it? X
I love WW because I can have all my treats- burgers, pizza, chips, crisps, chocolate on a weekly basis and lose weight every single week (as long as I don't binge and drastically go over my weeklies).

I try to eat healthily as much as possible, but the weekends are reserved for treats, and I do have a packet of crisps nearly every day. I just lost 10.5lbs in 10 weeks!

I used to restrict myself to only 20 weeklies, but my weight loss wasn't very good and my leader told me off for being too strict! So I've gone back to the 49 now
More IS More ;-) x
I started ww in May and never touched my weekly or activity points. When I started using them my losses were better.
I started ww in May and never touched my weekly or activity points. When I started using them my losses were better.

Yey! Another Fully Fledged Member of the 'More IS More' Club! X
It drops 1pp per 7lbs :) xx

I thought it dropped with every 10lbs you lose as I was on 42 pp I've lost 72lbs and now I'm on 34. X